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Stories from November 27, 2011
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1. Fliers Must Turn Off Devices, but It’s Not Clear Why (nytimes.com)
382 points by taylorbuley on Nov 27, 2011 | 284 comments
2. Design for Developers (slideshare.net)
270 points by Wolfr on Nov 27, 2011 | 39 comments
3. Solving Instagram's Unshredder with Mechanical Turk and $0.50 (recollect.com)
266 points by bertrandom on Nov 27, 2011 | 34 comments
4. Startups Are Hard. So Work More, Cry Less, And Quit All The Whining (uncrunched.com)
213 points by aaronbrethorst on Nov 27, 2011 | 128 comments
5. The Clojure Community and Me (raynes.me)
192 points by timf on Nov 27, 2011 | 39 comments
6. Bitcoin (avc.com)
186 points by sathishmanohar on Nov 27, 2011 | 104 comments
7. 'Most Beautiful Woman' By Day, Inventor By Night (npr.org)
180 points by taylorbuley on Nov 27, 2011 | 14 comments
8. Code sober, get things done drunk (alexmuir.com)
153 points by AlexMuir on Nov 27, 2011 | 86 comments
9. Linus: please write good git commit messages (github.com/torvalds)
152 points by DanielRibeiro on Nov 27, 2011 | 55 comments
10. Programming Languages: What tool is right for which job? (hammerprinciple.com)
138 points by obiterdictum on Nov 27, 2011 | 56 comments
11. Linux Mint signs a partnership with DuckDuckGo (linuxmint.com)
137 points by dexen on Nov 27, 2011 | 45 comments
12. Brain Gain: The Underground World of Neuroenhancing Drugs (newyorker.com)
124 points by lightcatcher on Nov 27, 2011 | 109 comments
13. LLVM 3.0 Type System Rewrite (llvm.org)
121 points by bmcniel on Nov 27, 2011 | 5 comments
14. Nobody's Going to Help You, and That's Awesome (codinghorror.com)
115 points by dylangs1030 on Nov 27, 2011 | 51 comments
15. Why I'm Returning My Kindle Fire (artima.com)
113 points by johndcook on Nov 27, 2011 | 84 comments
16. Complete CSS Reference (developer.mozilla.org)
108 points by cwan on Nov 27, 2011 | 6 comments
17. Why wireless mesh networks won’t save us from censorship (ddih.org)
104 points by shaddi on Nov 27, 2011 | 34 comments
18. Inside McKinsey (ft.com)
103 points by bane on Nov 27, 2011 | 33 comments
19. Data Furnaces (nytimes.com)
102 points by sew on Nov 27, 2011 | 50 comments
20. Introducing (Unofficial) GitHub Buttons (markdotto.com)
99 points by dwynings on Nov 27, 2011 | 12 comments
21. BitTorrent Defense Lawyer Joins Copyright Trolls (torrentfreak.com)
89 points by Garbage on Nov 27, 2011 | 13 comments
22. To Develop Expertise, Motivation is Necessary but Insufficient (freakonomics.com)
84 points by bootload on Nov 27, 2011 | 14 comments
23. Low vitamin D linked to heart disease, death (reuters.com)
84 points by tokenadult on Nov 27, 2011 | 37 comments
24. “When you get right down to it, most security is based on the honor system.” (fjhqjv.tumblr.com)
78 points by p4bl0 on Nov 27, 2011 | 28 comments
25. Making It In Silicon Valley When You Have Zero Connections (westonludeke.com)
77 points by weston on Nov 27, 2011 | 21 comments
26. The parable of Bug House. The world's toughest chess variation. (humbledmba.com)
68 points by waratuman on Nov 27, 2011 | 29 comments
27. 28C3 agenda published (ccc.de)
68 points by yuvadam on Nov 27, 2011 | 6 comments
28. Coolest Arduino projects (yeblon.com)
67 points by angry-hacker on Nov 27, 2011 | 11 comments
29. The Great Redis Misapprehension (jeffdickey.info)
65 points by dickeytk on Nov 27, 2011 | 40 comments
30. Naive Bayes classifier in 50 lines (umbc.edu)
64 points by weinzierl on Nov 27, 2011 | 10 comments

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