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Stories from December 28, 2010
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1. Zed Shaw: Why I Don't Use Tor (sheddingbikes.com)
181 points by nathanmarz on Dec 28, 2010 | 158 comments
2. VimGolf.com - real Vim ninjas count every keystroke (vimgolf.com)
178 points by igrigorik on Dec 28, 2010 | 79 comments
3. Build apps not businesses. (sahillavingia.com)
172 points by sahillavingia on Dec 28, 2010 | 64 comments
4. Caring for your introvert (theatlantic.com)
166 points by tamersalama on Dec 28, 2010 | 39 comments
5. Why are restaurant web sites so bad? (juliansanchez.com)
142 points by chrismealy on Dec 28, 2010 | 116 comments
6. Low Skills Cause Procrastination (chestergrant.posterous.com)
129 points by lionhearted on Dec 28, 2010 | 33 comments
7. What Microsoft gets for $2 billion (scottberkun.com)
126 points by loboman on Dec 28, 2010 | 63 comments
8. “Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy Holidays" - nearly double the conversion rate. (conversionvoodoo.com)
117 points by aresant on Dec 28, 2010 | 72 comments
9. After correcting for demographics, US schools fare better than EU/Asian schools (super-economy.blogspot.com)
111 points by yummyfajitas on Dec 28, 2010 | 191 comments
10. Duke Nukem Forever finally available for pre-order on Amazon (amazon.com)
109 points by tswicegood on Dec 28, 2010 | 66 comments
11. Python - How to sort my paws? (stackoverflow.com)
107 points by d0mine on Dec 28, 2010 | 8 comments
12. DD-WRT, I Know Where You Live (devttys0.com)
94 points by r11t on Dec 28, 2010 | 35 comments
13. Job Posting for Amazon.com Before it Launched (1994) (readwriteweb.com)
89 points by jaybol on Dec 28, 2010 | 38 comments
14. How Disney Uses Technology To Control Crowds In Their Theme Parks (nytimes.com)
83 points by replicatorblog on Dec 28, 2010 | 17 comments
15. Redditors share the way the world was 20 years ago (reddit.com)
83 points by socratees on Dec 28, 2010 | 55 comments
16. 4chan has been DDOSed (4chan.org)
79 points by roadnottaken on Dec 28, 2010 | 48 comments
17. Restaurant Menu Pricing (neurosciencemarketing.com)
78 points by rlmw on Dec 28, 2010 | 19 comments
18. Show HN: drag-drop file uploading for the whole web (Firefox/Chrome) (drag2up.appspot.com)
66 points by antimatter15 on Dec 28, 2010 | 10 comments
19. TurboGears joins the Pylons Project (compoundthinking.com)
65 points by vimes656 on Dec 28, 2010 | 37 comments
20. War for tech talent in NYC (wired.com)
64 points by kiddo on Dec 28, 2010 | 62 comments
21. URL Design (warpspire.com)
65 points by holman on Dec 28, 2010 | 10 comments
22. Women, Men and the New Economics of Marriage (pewsocialtrends.org)
56 points by cwan on Dec 28, 2010 | 22 comments
23. CAR, CDR, and Lisp... (mschaef.com)
55 points by parenthesis on Dec 28, 2010 | 15 comments
24. A Day With an E-mail Scammer (nytimes.com)
55 points by dave1619 on Dec 28, 2010 | 12 comments
25. Economic Optimism? Yes, I’ll Take That Bet (nytimes.com)
52 points by tokenadult on Dec 28, 2010 | 24 comments
26. Ask HN: Who/What will do for Prolog what Clojure has done for Lisp?
52 points by fogus on Dec 28, 2010 | 19 comments
27. TurboGears joins the PylonsProject (groups.google.com)
48 points by admp on Dec 28, 2010 | 4 comments
28. Unit Testing in C++ and Objective-C just got easier (levelofindirection.com)
48 points by barredo on Dec 28, 2010 | 16 comments
29. The Next Mainstream Programming Language: A Game Developer's Perspective (2006) (lambda-the-ultimate.org)
47 points by caustic on Dec 28, 2010 | 18 comments
30. Groupon Authorizes $950 Million Series G (vcexperts.com)
44 points by jasonlbaptiste on Dec 28, 2010 | 66 comments

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