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Stories from March 8, 2009
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1. Ask HN: Please review my webapp: Da Button Factory - create shiny buttons (dabuttonfactory.com)
149 points by palsecam on March 8, 2009 | 92 comments
2. How to stop the drug wars (economist.com)
129 points by arjunb on March 8, 2009 | 155 comments
3. Wolfram Alpha is Coming -- and It Could be as Important as Google (twine.com)
97 points by toffer on March 8, 2009 | 73 comments
4. Trailer now available for Ray Kurzweil's movie, "Transcendent Man" (transcendentman.com)
75 points by gourneau on March 8, 2009 | 56 comments
5. Why the Wii will never get any better (hackmii.com)
58 points by dfox on March 8, 2009 | 29 comments
6. Reilly’s Right - Tickets Are Cheap (ticketstumbler.com)
49 points by fallentimes on March 8, 2009 | 3 comments
7. What Colour are your bits? (sooke.bc.ca)
48 points by blasdel on March 8, 2009 | 11 comments
8. Ruby-style Blocks in Python (espians.com)
46 points by tav on March 8, 2009 | 42 comments
9. Dolphins blowing bubble rings, and playing with them [video] (metacafe.com)
44 points by DaniFong on March 8, 2009 | 14 comments
10. The Importance of the Facebook Redesign (unalone.tumblr.com)
40 points by unalone on March 8, 2009 | 17 comments
11. How to rewrite files in Linux (launchpad.net)
40 points by kqr2 on March 8, 2009 | 20 comments
12. Big Music Will Surrender, But Not Until At Least 2011 (techcrunch.com)
36 points by vaksel on March 8, 2009 | 26 comments
13. Nice book on convex optimization techniques (stanford.edu)
33 points by carterschonwald on March 8, 2009 | 21 comments
14. Dear Speakers: things that interfere with getting a message across to an audience (duncandavidson.com)
30 points by sarvesh on March 8, 2009 | 10 comments
15. PostgreSQL: What happened to Hot Standby? (toolbox.com)
29 points by jawngee on March 8, 2009 | 36 comments
16. CSRF vulnerability found in Gmail; Google not willing to fix it (seclists.org)
27 points by nickb on March 8, 2009 | 17 comments
17. Doctoral Candidates Anticipate Hard Times (nytimes.com)
25 points by nickb on March 8, 2009 | 32 comments
18. The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces (kottke.org)
25 points by kf on March 8, 2009 | 4 comments
19. Hack your life for fun & profit with Mitch Altman (creator of the TV-B-Gone) (video.google.com)
25 points by gourneau on March 8, 2009 | 4 comments
20. Reverse HTTP (ietf.org)
23 points by vaksel on March 8, 2009 | 9 comments
21. The History of Python: How Exceptions Came to be Classes (python-history.blogspot.com)
22 points by dfox on March 8, 2009
22. How the US forgot how to make Trident missiles (sundayherald.com)
22 points by kqr2 on March 8, 2009 | 7 comments
23. Ask HN: Review our startup (www.chuwe.com)
21 points by sgrove on March 8, 2009 | 26 comments
24. Enzyme behind cancer spread found (bbc.co.uk)
21 points by nickb on March 8, 2009 | 9 comments
25. Solving the TinyUrl centralization problem (scripting.com)
20 points by nreece on March 8, 2009 | 16 comments
26. Your Cool Technology is Worthless... If You Don't Know How to Sell (mixergy.com)
17 points by thinkingserious on March 8, 2009 | 1 comment
27. Ask HN: Worthwhile hacker events in the Bay Area for March/April 2009?
17 points by denglish on March 8, 2009 | 13 comments
28. All-in-one I-have-no-idea (37signals.com)
17 points by alecst on March 8, 2009 | 17 comments
29. Is Google Rewiring Our Brains? Yes. fMRI studies of websearch in the Internet savvy. (searchengineland.com)
16 points by DaniFong on March 8, 2009 | 11 comments
30. Return on Design (sethgodin.typepad.com)
15 points by peter123 on March 8, 2009 | 1 comment

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