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Stories from March 9, 2008
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1. Every Piece of Startup Advice is a Lie (tonywright.com)
68 points by ericwan on March 9, 2008 | 15 comments
2. Damien Katz: What Sucks About Erlang (damienkatz.net)
52 points by nickb on March 9, 2008 | 13 comments
3. They Criticized Vista. And They Should Know (nytimes.com)
42 points by prakash on March 9, 2008 | 24 comments
4. An elusive billionaire gives away his good fortune (latimes.com)
29 points by gongfudoi on March 9, 2008 | 21 comments
5. They Write the Right Stuff (fastcompany.com)
25 points by prakash on March 9, 2008 | 12 comments
6. Email to Postal (email2postal.com)
23 points by wyclif on March 9, 2008 | 25 comments
7. Software Engineering is a Joke (koonsolo.com)
23 points by alex_c on March 9, 2008 | 18 comments
8. Brain Enhancement Is Wrong, Right? (nytimes.com)
22 points by robg on March 9, 2008 | 67 comments
9. How They Hack Your Website (cmswire.com)
22 points by nreece on March 9, 2008 | 4 comments
10. A Couple of My Rules for Startups (blogmaverick.com)
21 points by drm237 on March 9, 2008 | 6 comments
11. Ask YC: Any hackers here ever in an online coding competition?
19 points by thorax on March 9, 2008 | 11 comments
12. Sexy clones of classic Unix tools (sysadminry.wordpress.com)
19 points by nickb on March 9, 2008 | 4 comments
13. (Javascript) Performance is Everything (backbase.com)
17 points by chaostheory on March 9, 2008 | 5 comments
14. SXSW: Lessons Learned at 37 Signals (readwriteweb.com)
16 points by jmorin007 on March 9, 2008 | 4 comments
15. Major Update to [Mozilla] Prism, First Prototype of Browser Integration (labs.mozilla.com)
16 points by chaostheory on March 9, 2008 | 1 comment
16. How to make your startup successful (dondodge.typepad.com)
15 points by bfioca on March 9, 2008 | 5 comments
17. Karma Hack - Encourage the creation of interesting content
15 points by webwright on March 9, 2008 | 22 comments
18. [Seattle] Mosquito Angel Fund - Benevolent: $4000 for 0% Stake (rp0229.com)
14 points by kirubakaran on March 9, 2008 | 5 comments
19. 6 Ways to Increase Your Confidence As You Code (philosophicalgeek.com)
14 points by nreece on March 9, 2008 | 1 comment
20. The Real Reason Microsoft About-Faced on IE8 Standards Opt-In (osnews.com)
13 points by gongfudoi on March 9, 2008 | 1 comment
21. A brutal week for credit markets (sfgate.com)
13 points by gibsonf1 on March 9, 2008 | 1 comment
22. A keyboard without keys - Dasher (polishlinux.org)
12 points by gongfudoi on March 9, 2008 | 4 comments
23. Digg Users Are Doing Their Best To Kill An Acquisition (techcrunch.com)
11 points by transburgh on March 9, 2008 | 5 comments
24. Smart Image Resizer (PHP) (shiftingpixel.com)
10 points by chaostheory on March 9, 2008 | 1 comment
25. Poll: What's your favourite Browser
9 points by german on March 9, 2008 | 26 comments
26. How to find hackers for only stock options?
9 points by ideas101 on March 9, 2008 | 36 comments
27. Space War: "The global economic system would probably collapse..." (nytimes.com)
9 points by robg on March 9, 2008
28. Carlyle fund faces liquidation after missed margin calls (independent.co.uk)
8 points by moog on March 9, 2008
29. Can GPL iPhone apps exist? (diveintomark.org)
7 points by bdfh42 on March 9, 2008
30. Superstar cities defy downturn - The Rise of the Creative Class (sfgate.com)
7 points by gibsonf1 on March 9, 2008

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