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Stories from July 23, 2007
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31. Startup company Ceravision has 50% efficient microwave light bulb (advancednano.blogspot.com)
3 points by drm237 on July 23, 2007
32. Netflix To Lower Online DVD Rental Fees (go.com)
3 points by ordersup on July 23, 2007
33. Monads for Lispers/Schemers (metalinguist.wordpress.com)
3 points by nickb on July 23, 2007
34. Will Boston ever catch up? (boston.com)
3 points by nostrademons on July 23, 2007
35. Build and here comes visitors do not work? why is that?
3 points by 7media on July 23, 2007 | 9 comments
36. Who Will Make How Much on Facebook? (watchmojo.com)
2 points by aston on July 23, 2007
37. Exploiting the iPhone (securityevaluators.com)
2 points by dpapathanasiou on July 23, 2007 | 1 comment
38. Ideas about SMS/texting. Does it make any sense? (jatspeak.com)
2 points by diabloernest on July 23, 2007
39. Paul Kedrosky: Do Whatever Gets You Tenure (kedrosky.com)
2 points by farmer on July 23, 2007
40. Researchers seek cash for software flaws (boston.com)
2 points by garbowza on July 23, 2007
41. What's the deal with BizDev? pt. 2 (onproductmanagement.wordpress.com)
2 points by onpm on July 23, 2007
42. Why Feedburner is trouble, day 2 (scripting.com)
2 points by bootload on July 23, 2007
43. PriceFad Tracks & Charts Product History (mashable.com)
1 point by farmer on July 23, 2007
44. Rob Malda vs Alexa vs Slashdot vs Digg (markmaunder.com)
1 point by mmaunder on July 23, 2007
45. Facebook Advertising Brings Poor Results (hitechstartups.wordpress.com)
1 point by mmpcse on July 23, 2007
46. Nick Bradbury: Indie Tip#1: Building something you need. (nick.typepad.com)
1 point by jamongkad on July 23, 2007
47. VentureLaw blog (venturelaw.blogspot.com)
1 point by herdrick on July 23, 2007
48. Hazards of Scratching Your Own Itch (cartoonbank.com)
1 point by brlewis on July 23, 2007
49. Writing pesky account management e-mails for your site
1 point by picnichouse on July 23, 2007 | 1 comment
50. Fox News left their root image directory for the browse option (irintech.com)
1 point by 7media on July 23, 2007 | 1 comment
51. Microsoft's Gates conquers China or is it the other way around? (remi-vespa.com)
1 point by petevaldo on July 23, 2007
52. IPhone Flaw Lets Hackers Take Over, Security Firm Says (nytimes.com)
1 point by gibsonf1 on July 23, 2007
53. Interview with Simon Daniel founder of USBCELL, one of the best startups of the year. (businesshackers.com)
1 point by szczupak on July 23, 2007
54. Anybody can start a company, but getting, staying at top takes resilience (bizjournals.com)
1 point by nostrademons on July 23, 2007
55. YouTube - Bill Gates Blue Screen of Death (youtube.com)
1 point by andres on July 23, 2007
56. Seven Ways Technology Vendors Blow the Sales Pitch (cio.com)
1 point by rchambers on July 23, 2007
57. eBay's first facebook app (facereviews.com)
1 point by terpua on July 23, 2007
58. Has anyone who has submitted their company to TC20 heard from them yet?
1 point by Melissa on July 23, 2007
59. Andreessen's Opsware (formerly LoudCloud) sold for $1.6 Billion to HP (mashable.com)
1 point by farmer on July 23, 2007
60. ssh on iPhone - Cool (tuaw.com)
1 point by terpua on July 23, 2007

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