1. | | Some Buyers Grow Web-Weary, and Online Sales Lag - "Has online retailing entered the Dot Calm era?" (nytimes.com) |
8 points by gibsonf1 on June 16, 2007
2. | | Any past Y Combinator foreign applicants got into the program but can't get a US visa? |
8 points by keiretsu on June 16, 2007 | 8 comments
3. | | The Long Tail Is Getting Fatter (techcrunch.com) |
6 points by far33d on June 16, 2007
4. | | YouTube launches web-based video editor (written by Adobe) (techcrunch.com) |
4 points by pg on June 16, 2007
5. | | Recommended hacker skills courses for non-tech founders |
4 points by Mistone on June 16, 2007 | 11 comments
6. | | Google power 'less than thought' as eBay starts boycott (timesonline.co.uk) |
5 points by gibsonf1 on June 16, 2007 | 2 comments
7. | | Building a Django Middleware for Google Analytics (willarson.com) |
4 points by nickb on June 16, 2007 | 1 comment
8. | | OK Y Combinator, I've been working on my online startup for 4 months.. comments? (postmyday.com) |
4 points by virtuexru on June 16, 2007 | 9 comments
9. | | State of Web 2.0 Design (Jakob Nielsen rates myspace, facebook bebo, twitter, geni) (valleywag.com) |
3 points by bootload on June 16, 2007
10. | | In the US, more 18-24 year-olds start businesses than 35-44 year-olds (nytimes.com) |
3 points by Alex3917 on June 16, 2007
11. | | Mobile startup entrepreneurs |
3 points by rokhayakebe on June 16, 2007 | 2 comments
12. | | Codeless CMS - a startup everyone is talking about (businesshackers.com) |
3 points by szczupak on June 16, 2007 | 2 comments
13. | | How JavaScript Transcends OO Languages like Java and C# (closures and lambda functions) (njgeeks.org) |
3 points by nickb on June 16, 2007
14. | | IBM: Like the Web, virtual worlds will be become business friendly (news.com.com) |
3 points by gibsonf1 on June 16, 2007 | 1 comment
15. | | Facebook's app feeding frenzy (news.com.com) |
2 points by jcwentz on June 16, 2007
16. | | Interactive Colorado Nightlife Guide - "Social Nightworking" (mycnl.com) |
2 points by ColoradoPro on June 16, 2007
17. | | Hardtack - Real Estate Inventory Tracking (osgcorp.com) |
2 points by hardtack on June 16, 2007
18. | | Curious about YC.news statistics |
2 points by willarson on June 16, 2007 | 5 comments
19. | | Your percentile rank in terms of effort among single founders is... (build a service to motivate single founders to try harder) |
2 points by amichail on June 16, 2007 | 3 comments
20. | | Five Enterprise 2.0 Startups To Watch (informationweek.com) |
2 points by gibsonf1 on June 16, 2007
21. | | Collective intelligence in Word 2007 spell checker (Learn from users RT & improve software) (oreilly.com) |
1 point by bootload on June 16, 2007
22. | | Microsoft CEO calls Google complaint 'baseless' (news.com.com) |
1 point by gibsonf1 on June 16, 2007
23. | | Google world domination in 2050 (techcrunch.com) |
1 point by budu3 on June 16, 2007
24. | | What is average equity offered to first employee? (14 hours per day working) |
1 point by jmtame on June 16, 2007 | 2 comments
25. | | Art of Innovation Online Video with Slides (guykawasaki.com) |
1 point by mattjaynes on June 16, 2007
26. | | Patent Attorneys |
1 point by donlaw on June 16, 2007 | 3 comments
27. | | It's Official: The Crash of the U.S. Economy has begun (inteldaily.com) |
1 point by noisemaker on June 16, 2007