1. | | Startup Company Form: LLC or S-Corp? Which is easier and which is better? |
22 points by sabat on April 17, 2007 | 31 comments
2. | | Google launching an Online Presentation App at Web 2.0 (webware.com) |
17 points by Readmore on April 17, 2007 | 34 comments
3. | | Social Arbitrage: The New New Path to Abnormal Returns (alexkrupp.typepad.com) |
17 points by Alex3917 on April 17, 2007 | 12 comments
4. | | I'm getting a bad deal at my startup - how do I renegotiate my salary and options? |
11 points by notagreatdeal on April 17, 2007 | 14 comments
5. | | One specific idea, pre-approved for Y Combinator funding (paulgraham.com) |
12 points by kf on April 17, 2007 | 26 comments
6. | | So, Google did aquire their presentation software. (googleblog.blogspot.com) |
8 points by dawie on April 17, 2007 | 12 comments
7. | | Reunion.com Raises Massive $25 Million Series A Round (techcrunch.com) |
9 points by farmer on April 17, 2007 | 22 comments
8. | | Beware of XHTML (webdevout.net) |
9 points by brett on April 17, 2007 | 4 comments
9. | | Finding Great Dev Talent (edurev.com) |
7 points by zeph on April 17, 2007 | 19 comments
10. | | How long does it take you to learn a new programming language (on average)? |
8 points by Tichy on April 17, 2007 | 16 comments
11. | | Why Your Small Business Should Blog (particletree.com) |
6 points by unfoldedorigami on April 17, 2007
12. | | It's a great time to start a business (37signals.com) |
6 points by bootload on April 17, 2007 | 2 comments
13. | | Translation From PR-Speak to English of DHH's Response to Alex Payne's Interview [dive into mark] (diveintomark.org) |
8 points by joshwa on April 17, 2007
14. | | Freakonomics Blog:Another Reason Why YouTube Worked (freakonomics.com) |
7 points by veritas on April 17, 2007
15. | | Paul Buchheit: And there it is. Microsoft complains about Google being anti-competitive. (paulbuchheit.blogspot.com) |
6 points by mattjaynes on April 17, 2007
16. | | Care and feeding of social media's three classes: creators, curators and consumers (lsvp.wordpress.com) |
5 points by jeremyliew on April 17, 2007
17. | | The New Music Industry (A Band's View) (cobrapunchers.blogspot.com) |
5 points by pg on April 17, 2007 | 3 comments
18. | | Heatmap Analytics Done Right (clicktale.com) |
5 points by unfoldedorigami on April 17, 2007
19. | | How can a non-hacker (with very basic C++ knowledge only) start a start-up successfully? |
6 points by CYCY on April 17, 2007 | 24 comments
20. | | Didn't make it to YC? Check this one from TechCrunch. (techcrunch.com) |
6 points by rokhayakebe on April 17, 2007 | 8 comments
21. | | Taste for Makers (paulgraham.com) |
6 points by gibsonf1 on April 17, 2007 | 2 comments
22. | | How long do Y-Comb startups live before getting acquired or dissolving? |
5 points by waleedka on April 17, 2007 | 6 comments
23. | | Raising Money is a Band-Aid, Not a Cure (gobignetwork.com) |
5 points by wschroter on April 17, 2007
24. | | Are you thinking of working for a start up? (raganwald.com) |
5 points by bootload on April 17, 2007
25. | | Patents, why bother? (foundread.com) |
5 points by danielha on April 17, 2007
26. | | Top 10 VC lies (valleywag.com) |
5 points by unfoldedorigami on April 17, 2007
27. | | Frequent Cookie Deletion by 3 out of 10 U.S. Internet Users Leads to Overstatements in Audience Sizes by a Factor as High as 2.5! (comscore.com) |
4 points by nickb on April 17, 2007
28. | | Web 2.0 Expo Keynote: Amazon's Web Scale Computing Platform (readwriteweb.com) |
4 points by dawie on April 17, 2007 | 1 comment
29. | | Why Geeks Should Study Acting (gilesbowkett.blogspot.com) |
4 points by mattjaynes on April 17, 2007 | 2 comments
30. | | How is It to be a Startup "Outside the Valley"? (outsidethevalley.com) |
4 points by Cherrie on April 17, 2007
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