1. | | On Secretly Terrible Engineers (techcrunch.com) |
463 points by minimaxir on March 8, 2015 | 379 comments
2. | | The $5000 Compression Challenge (patrickcraig.co.uk) |
323 points by vq on March 8, 2015 | 168 comments
3. | | Signs that you're a bad programmer (2012) (yacoset.com) |
289 points by theunamedguy on March 8, 2015 | 170 comments
4. | | A website that deletes itself once indexed by Google (github.com/mroth) |
233 points by cjlm on March 8, 2015 | 121 comments
5. | | In the age of free AAA game engines, are we still relevant? (jmonkeyengine.org) |
196 points by erlend_sh on March 8, 2015 | 80 comments
6. | | Did a Human or a Computer Write This? (nytimes.com) |
172 points by tomek_zemla on March 8, 2015 | 69 comments
7. | | Why do we care about Xiaomi? (ben-evans.com) |
107 points by Doubleguitars on March 7, 2015 | 42 comments
8. | | Google Chromium drops support for Linux 3.16 and earlier (debian.org) |
139 points by xai3luGi on March 8, 2015 | 130 comments
9. | | India goes digital (digilocker.gov.in) |
95 points by pranavk on March 8, 2015 | 40 comments
10. | | UEFI boot: how does that actually work, then? (happyassassin.net) |
98 points by justincormack on March 7, 2015 | 46 comments
11. | | Valley Talent (rkoutnik.com) |
98 points by luu on March 8, 2015 | 24 comments
12. | | Program Synthesis in Reverse Engineering [pdf] (nosuchcon.org) |
51 points by luu on March 8, 2015 | 2 comments
13. | | Time-Series Database Requirements (xaprb.com) |
94 points by eaxitect on March 8, 2015 | 44 comments
14. | | Who Says C is Simple? (2010) (eecs.berkeley.edu) |
117 points by StylifyYourBlog on March 8, 2015 | 54 comments
15. | | Show HN: Bish – Shell scripting with a modern feel (github.com/tdenniston) |
84 points by bishc on March 8, 2015 | 42 comments
16. | | Boiling React Down to Few Lines in JQuery (hackflow.com) |
156 points by Suor on March 8, 2015 | 32 comments
17. | | Two quantum properties teleported together for first time (physicsworld.com) |
62 points by jonbaer on March 8, 2015 | 11 comments
18. | | Google Cloud Platform free for 60 days (cloud.google.com) |
69 points by stickhandle on March 8, 2015 | 34 comments
19. | | The Price of Oil Is About to Blow a Hole in Corporate Accounting (bloomberg.com) |
86 points by hotgoldminer on March 8, 2015 | 72 comments
20. | | McDonald’s Seeks Its Fast-Food Soul (nytimes.com) |
75 points by dap on March 8, 2015 | 48 comments
21. | | The King of Kombucha (inc.com) |
65 points by fraqed on March 8, 2015 | 4 comments
22. | | Online Degrees That Are Seen as Official (nytimes.com) |
84 points by Futurebot on March 8, 2015 | 59 comments
23. | | I was a professor at four universities. I still couldn’t make ends meet (washingtonpost.com) |
117 points by Perceptes on March 8, 2015 | 96 comments
24. | | In France, a Baby Switch and a Lesson in Maternal Love (nytimes.com) |
43 points by wglb on March 8, 2015 | 25 comments
25. | | To protect itself from attack, Estonia is finding ways to back up its data (economist.com) |
71 points by edward on March 8, 2015 | 16 comments
26. | | Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition (2001) (kuro5hin.org) |
46 points by chris_wot on March 8, 2015 | 10 comments
27. | | Operating system research – 16 years perspective (2008) (vyodaiken.com) |
51 points by luu on March 8, 2015 | 8 comments
28. | | Human generated semi-random binary stream (zeroone.io) |
32 points by levlaz on March 8, 2015 | 42 comments
29. | | Basic Docker Container Linking with Node, Redis and RethinkDB (spoxr.com) |
22 points by spoxrHQ on March 8, 2015 | 14 comments
30. | | Show HN: A note taking application that encrypts in the browser (github.com/moyaproject) |
58 points by billowycoat on March 8, 2015 | 43 comments
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