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Stories from June 26, 2008
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1. How Hard Could it Be? Joel Spolsky recalls what it was like to work for Bill Gates (inc.com)
104 points by prakash on June 26, 2008 | 52 comments
2. Google: we're having scaling issues, please stop distributing your FF extension (splitbrain.org)
99 points by gaika on June 26, 2008 | 19 comments
3. Ask HN: The Secret Sauce of Angel Investment?
66 points by gscott on June 26, 2008 | 22 comments
4. Microsoft to buy semantic search engine Powerset for $100M plus (venturebeat.com)
55 points by ajbatac on June 26, 2008 | 63 comments
5. Bill Gates on iTunes Store: another interesting memo (daringfireball.net)
53 points by sanj on June 26, 2008 | 24 comments
6. The Choice of Work (einfall.wordpress.com)
52 points by DaniFong on June 26, 2008 | 27 comments
7. Facebook needs to quit with its thuggish attitude
50 points by stats101 on June 26, 2008 | 35 comments
8. Richard Hamming: You and Your Research (virginia.edu)
42 points by DaniFong on June 26, 2008 | 7 comments
9. I've Seen the Future, and It Has a Kill Switch (wired.com)
42 points by nreece on June 26, 2008 | 17 comments
10. Clickpass enables Hotmail, Yahoo, Google and Facebook through OpenID (techcrunch.com)
40 points by petenixey on June 26, 2008 | 6 comments
11. Books That Changed My Life (kk.org)
41 points by markbao on June 26, 2008 | 40 comments
12. Ask cperciva: Are great mathematicians born or made?
36 points by dwaters on June 26, 2008 | 82 comments
13. Ask HN: "Simple" sharding tutorials using MySQL or PostgreSQL?
32 points by sanj on June 26, 2008 | 20 comments
14. LinkedIn is 99% Java but 100% Mac (linkedin.com)
30 points by kungfudoi on June 26, 2008 | 18 comments
15. 37Signals "just says no" to feature request: "please fix that security flaw" (matasano.com)
29 points by tptacek on June 26, 2008 | 33 comments
16. WoW (mattmaroon.com)
29 points by kf on June 26, 2008 | 14 comments
17. Stephen Hawking's explosive new theory (telegraph.co.uk)
27 points by edw519 on June 26, 2008 | 12 comments
18. Ask YC: decent JavaScript resource and reference sites?
25 points by ulfstein on June 26, 2008 | 16 comments
19. Readable MySQL command line output (Looks like YAML) (rubyisawesome.com)
23 points by kevTheDev on June 26, 2008 | 6 comments
20. Smart Enough Not To Build This Website (codinghorror.com)
23 points by bdfh42 on June 26, 2008 | 40 comments
21. The Employable Web Designer (andyrutledge.com)
21 points by riklomas on June 26, 2008 | 4 comments
22. How to avoid being "fan boy" or "fan girl" when building relationships with people you admire (escapefromcubiclenation.com)
20 points by markbao on June 26, 2008 | 11 comments
23. LHC: Better safe than sorry. (scottaaronson.com)
21 points by Stubbs on June 26, 2008 | 9 comments
24. ICANN approves relaxation of TLD rules (guardian.co.uk)
20 points by sah on June 26, 2008 | 19 comments
25. Why the new wire tapping law is a lot worse than you think (slate.com)
17 points by smanek on June 26, 2008 | 5 comments
26. Will broadband caps strangle Web growth? (thestandard.com)
17 points by ilamont on June 26, 2008 | 13 comments
27. The Itch: reverse-engineering of human perception (newyorker.com)
16 points by mechanical_fish on June 26, 2008 | 3 comments
28. Make your own IM bot in Ruby, and interface it with your Rails app (rubypond.com)
15 points by nickb on June 26, 2008 | 1 comment
29. Xobni, Xoopit, Gmail Labs: Inbox Addons Are Getting Hot (readwriteweb.com)
14 points by ajbatac on June 26, 2008 | 5 comments
30. Xobni Gets Even Better With LinkedIn Data For Your Contacts (techcrunch.com)
13 points by jkopelman on June 26, 2008

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