1. | | Why Google Went Offline Today and a Bit about How the Internet Works (cloudflare.com) |
676 points by ColinWright on Nov 6, 2012 | 154 comments
2. | | How I made $500k with machine learning and high frequency trading (jspauld.com) |
551 points by jspaulding on Nov 6, 2012 | 308 comments
3. | | "I think you will all appreciate this person's commenting style" (jwz.livejournal.com) |
516 points by ahalan on Nov 6, 2012 | 88 comments
4. | | Meet the new Light Table (chris-granger.com) |
362 points by bergie on Nov 6, 2012 | 101 comments
5. | | Sergey Brin Calls On Politicians To Abandon Political Parties (techcrunch.com) |
299 points by jaredtking on Nov 6, 2012 | 141 comments
6. | | Steam for Linux Beta Now Available (steampowered.com) |
275 points by mukyu on Nov 6, 2012 | 87 comments
7. | | Bonsai.js: A New Graphics and Animation Library (bonsaijs.org) |
233 points by dhotson on Nov 6, 2012 | 28 comments
8. | | The perfect email (davidgcohen.com) |
170 points by ColinWright on Nov 6, 2012 | 41 comments
9. | | Arq (Mac backup) now works with Glacier (haystacksoftware.com) |
157 points by sreitshamer on Nov 6, 2012 | 84 comments
10. | | Nate Silver Is a One-Man Traffic Machine for the Times (tnr.com) |
152 points by joejohnson on Nov 6, 2012 | 43 comments
11. | | Tesla reports great Q3 results, expects to be cash flow positive by Q4 (engadget.com) |
147 points by filipemonte on Nov 6, 2012 | 40 comments
12. | | Google Election Results (google.com) |
147 points by fjordan on Nov 6, 2012 | 42 comments
13. | | Elite: Dangerous (kickstarter.com) |
143 points by morphics on Nov 6, 2012 | 71 comments
14. | | The Retina MacBook Pro 13” (patrickbgibson.tumblr.com) |
126 points by tomdale on Nov 6, 2012 | 110 comments
15. | | Remind HN: Vote |
118 points by DanielBMarkham on Nov 6, 2012 | 127 comments
16. | | Why Is the Surface So Bad? (slate.com) |
115 points by bergie on Nov 6, 2012 | 97 comments
17. | | DuckDuckGo Plugin: Hacker News Search (duckduckgo.com) |
90 points by sherjilozair on Nov 6, 2012 | 22 comments
18. | | Steam Linux Beta starts today, NVIDIA claims (nvidia.com) |
90 points by pdknsk on Nov 6, 2012 | 44 comments
19. | | Serious Sam 3 Developer: "Gabe Newell did not Overreact on Windows 8" (ubuntuvibes.com) |
89 points by vetler on Nov 6, 2012 | 62 comments
20. | | Inspiritas - a free Bootstrap theme by Ripple (littke.com) |
86 points by littke on Nov 6, 2012 | 20 comments
21. | | Re: “Hey:” – An Analysis of the Obama/Romney Emails |
86 points by bhallen on Nov 6, 2012 | 22 comments
22. | | Ten Finger Touch Screen Keyboard (solidsmack.com) |
85 points by guavaroo on Nov 6, 2012 | 60 comments
23. | | Why was an Indian man held for sending a tweet? (bbc.co.uk) |
84 points by yati on Nov 6, 2012 | 41 comments
24. | | Poll: What are your primary motivations for doing side projects? |
99 points by anujkk on Nov 6, 2012 | 74 comments
25. | | This machine separates your Skittles into color groups so you don't have to (zagg.com) |
72 points by ColinWright on Nov 6, 2012 | 22 comments
26. | | Virtual machine used to steal crypto keys from other VM on same server (arstechnica.com) |
72 points by e1ven on Nov 6, 2012 | 19 comments
27. | | How to sell to large customers (filepicker.io) |
68 points by ananddass on Nov 6, 2012 | 27 comments
28. | | Side projects (swombat.com) |
69 points by DanielRibeiro on Nov 6, 2012 | 30 comments
29. | | NASA will text you whenever the International Space Station passes overhead (arstechnica.com) |
67 points by Reltair on Nov 6, 2012 | 17 comments
30. | | Singapore, where have all your talent gone? (e27.sg) |
65 points by andycroll on Nov 6, 2012 | 47 comments
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