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Stories from August 29, 2008
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1. A Newbie’s Guide to Startup Compensation (or “Stock Options will Make Me Rich”) (tonywright.com)
77 points by dshah on Aug 29, 2008 | 42 comments
2. Redesigned 8-bit and 16-bit games (Some unbelievable) (neogaf.com)
74 points by chaostheory on Aug 29, 2008 | 15 comments
3. Thank goodness we don't have downmods on HN
74 points by raganwald on Aug 29, 2008 | 62 comments
4. Be a JavaScript Rockstar (jQuery site redesign) (jquery.com)
49 points by danw on Aug 29, 2008 | 62 comments
5. Top 10 things that annoy programmers (kevinwilliampang.com)
42 points by nickb on Aug 29, 2008 | 9 comments
6. Classical Computer Science Texts (e7l3.org)
37 points by Anon84 on Aug 29, 2008 | 4 comments
7. Real programmers don't use frameworks (vertonghen.wordpress.com)
32 points by chrisv on Aug 29, 2008 | 47 comments
8. Start Up Life Lesson #9: You Will Get Fat (lendingclub.com)
28 points by debtkid on Aug 29, 2008 | 30 comments
9. Comcast makes caps official at 250GB/month (ap.org)
25 points by pchristensen on Aug 29, 2008 | 52 comments
10. Ask YC: Laser Eye Surgery?
27 points by neilc on Aug 29, 2008 | 54 comments
11. What is the probability that gcd(n,m)=1? (utm.edu)
24 points by hhm on Aug 29, 2008 | 6 comments
12. Football Survivor Pool (Draftmix's First App) (facebook.com)
22 points by mattmaroon on Aug 29, 2008 | 33 comments
13. Python SMS API: Zeep Mobile (zeepmobile.com)
22 points by iamelgringo on Aug 29, 2008 | 4 comments
14. Android's Final Challenge Winners (code.google.com)
19 points by wave on Aug 29, 2008 | 13 comments
15. Rasmus Lerdorf - PHP frameworks? Think again. (sitepoint.com)
20 points by ahold on Aug 29, 2008 | 17 comments
16. Hacker News LinkedIn Group: This list is dead, long live the list.
20 points by wheels on Aug 29, 2008 | 19 comments
17. "Sex Wanted" Ads on Craiglist Surge with the DNC (cnet.com)
19 points by ComputerGuru on Aug 29, 2008 | 20 comments
18. Scribd Launches Massive Redesign (techcrunch.com)
18 points by ed on Aug 29, 2008 | 10 comments
19. Microsoft breaks IE8 interoperability promise (theregister.co.uk)
16 points by nickb on Aug 29, 2008 | 7 comments
20. Amazon's Mechanical Turk Used for Fraudulent Activities (readwriteweb.com)
15 points by mattjung on Aug 29, 2008 | 4 comments
21. Apple’s major multi-touch plans continue to come into focus (venturebeat.com)
15 points by prakash on Aug 29, 2008 | 2 comments
22. Does Silicon Valley Face an Innovation Crisis? (nytimes.com)
14 points by terpua on Aug 29, 2008 | 12 comments
23. Ask HN: military reserve for startup owners?
14 points by potrerohill on Aug 29, 2008 | 38 comments
24. BrowseGoods - an innovative shopping UI (browsegoods.com)
13 points by andreyf on Aug 29, 2008 | 7 comments
25. Pitches That Didn't Suck (patricklor.typepad.com)
12 points by ksvs on Aug 29, 2008 | 2 comments
26. Revisiting GNU Awk YouTube Video Downloader (catonmat.net)
12 points by ajbatac on Aug 29, 2008 | 4 comments
27. Study says eyes evolved for X-Ray vision (physorg.com)
11 points by robg on Aug 29, 2008 | 3 comments
28. 20 Tech Habits to Improve Your Life (pcworld.com)
11 points by linhir on Aug 29, 2008 | 7 comments
29. New Picwing widget with summer 2008 photos by Garry Tan (ycombinator.com)
11 points by pg on Aug 29, 2008 | 7 comments
30. Ask HN: How to convince a fellow programmer to join your startup
12 points by cnu on Aug 29, 2008 | 21 comments

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