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Stories from May 3, 2014
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1. Programming Is a Dead End Job (thecodist.com)
299 points by pauljonas on May 3, 2014 | 183 comments
2. SanDisk announces 4TB SSD, hopes for 8TB next year. (computerworld.com)
215 points by sc90 on May 3, 2014 | 148 comments
3. Why I won’t work for Google (qnrq.se)
217 points by beshrkayali on May 3, 2014 | 216 comments
4. GitHub monoculture (nedbatchelder.com)
156 points by ingve on May 3, 2014 | 104 comments
5. Shit HN Says (twitter.com/shit_hn_says)
155 points by edward on May 3, 2014 | 56 comments
6. Does Google Have A Secret “Translate” Service? (searchengineland.com)
146 points by Houshalter on May 3, 2014 | 52 comments
7. Truthcoin: Trustless, Decentralized Bitcoin Prediction Marketplace (github.com/psztorc)
140 points by poppingtonic on May 3, 2014 | 60 comments
8. Working on The Witness: The Nebraska Problem (mollyrocket.com)
110 points by vilhelm_s on May 3, 2014 | 19 comments
9. Stranger in a Strange Land: “Big Data” programmer meets HPC community (machinedlearnings.com)
108 points by drjohnson on May 3, 2014 | 34 comments
10. Snails Are Dissolving in Pacific Ocean (news.sciencemag.org)
106 points by vinchuco on May 3, 2014 | 55 comments
11. The Kentucky Derby Is Decadent and Depraved (1970) (liamk.org)
107 points by keane on May 3, 2014 | 60 comments
12. Inferno Raspberry Pi image – beta release (lynxline.com)
95 points by neverm0re on May 3, 2014 | 28 comments
13. Prose, a content editor for GitHub (prose.io)
101 points by avinashv on May 3, 2014 | 51 comments
14. Parallelising Python with Threading and Multiprocessing (quantstart.com)
94 points by shogunmike on May 3, 2014 | 37 comments
15. NoTex: An online text editor for reStructuredText, Markdown, LaTex (notex.ch)
93 points by rhythmvs on May 3, 2014 | 20 comments
16. Why washing machines are no longer built to last (bbc.co.uk)
89 points by akandiah on May 3, 2014 | 113 comments
17. The Great Smartphone War (vanityfair.com)
84 points by IBM on May 3, 2014 | 79 comments
18. World History Maps and Timelines (geacron.com)
84 points by blacktulip on May 3, 2014 | 14 comments
19. 2014 MacBook Air: Performance benchmarks (macworld.com)
87 points by ytch on May 3, 2014 | 69 comments
20. Confirming Consensus on removing RSA key Transport from TLS 1.3 (ietf.org)
85 points by ilamont on May 3, 2014 | 9 comments
21. A Chinese copy of GitHub.com (csdn.net)
79 points by yong on May 3, 2014 | 49 comments
22. Best Practices of Combining Typefaces (2010) (smashingmagazine.com)
77 points by adamnemecek on May 3, 2014 | 15 comments
23. Show HN: My first Ludum Dare entry, online multiplayer game Hide-n-Stab (
71 points by bendmorris on May 3, 2014 | 54 comments
24. Hello Haskell, Goodbye Lisp (2009) (newartisans.com)
74 points by psibi on May 3, 2014 | 68 comments
25. Intuition for Simulated Annealing (rs.io)
67 points by adbge on May 3, 2014 | 9 comments
26. An analysis of Facebook photo caching (facebook.com)
71 points by uehtesham90 on May 3, 2014 | 12 comments
27. Stephen Hawking: AI, Potentially the Worst Thing to Happen to Humanity (yahoo.com)
66 points by jaequery on May 3, 2014 | 108 comments
28. Pattern Matching – Make the Compiler Work for You (deliberate-software.com)
65 points by JackMorgan on May 3, 2014 | 33 comments
29. Bill Gates on track to own no Microsoft stock in four years (reuters.com)
64 points by gdilla on May 3, 2014 | 54 comments
30. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s lame excuses for his net neutrality proposal (slate.com)
70 points by Libertatea on May 3, 2014 | 41 comments

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