1. | | How to keep someone with you forever (issendai.livejournal.com) |
372 points by alfredp on Sept 9, 2010 | 95 comments
2. | | Announcing Micro Instances for Amazon EC2 (amazon.com) |
290 points by bpuvanathasan on Sept 9, 2010 | 160 comments
3. | | I’m a Female Y Combinator Founder and You Can Be Too (amandapeyton.com) |
197 points by inmygarage on Sept 9, 2010 | 74 comments
4. | | Zynga CEO: "Just copy what they do and do it until you get their numbers." (sfweekly.com) |
194 points by EvilTrout on Sept 9, 2010 | 87 comments
5. | | Android Is As Open As The Clenched Fist I’d Like To Punch The Carriers With (techcrunch.com) |
169 points by credo on Sept 9, 2010 | 122 comments
6. | | Ask HN: What habits made you a better programmer? |
138 points by bpourriahi on Sept 9, 2010 | 98 comments
7. | | Ask HN: Best resources to learn SEO? |
135 points by msencenb on Sept 9, 2010 | 46 comments
8. | | Apple's secret "wispr" request (erratasec.blogspot.com) |
117 points by bensummers on Sept 9, 2010 | 24 comments
9. | | Scott Adams: Future Jobs (and Irreplaceable Skill Sets) (dilbert.com) |
106 points by cwan on Sept 9, 2010 | 45 comments
10. | | Website pulled on US church that wants to burn Korans [by Rackspace] (google.com) |
101 points by carbocation on Sept 9, 2010 | 150 comments
11. | | [Firefox] Jägermonkey: it’s in ur browser (blog.mozilla.com) |
100 points by setconndevp on Sept 9, 2010 | 19 comments
12. | | Jason Fried's setup (usesthis.com) |
99 points by there on Sept 9, 2010 | 83 comments
13. | | This is a story of caching (code.google.com) |
95 points by terpua on Sept 9, 2010 | 18 comments
14. | | Will America’s universities go the way of its car companies? (economist.com) |
85 points by cwan on Sept 9, 2010 | 98 comments
15. | | Broadcom releases an open-source driver for its wireless chipsets (lwn.net) |
82 points by goplexian on Sept 9, 2010 | 27 comments
16. | | Google Instant, behind the scenes (googleblog.blogspot.com) |
81 points by arfrank on Sept 9, 2010 | 45 comments
17. | | Yahoo Dropped the ball on Google Instant in 2005 (uniquehazards.tumblr.com) |
80 points by satishmreddy on Sept 9, 2010 | 24 comments
18. | | I procrastinate because I care (ryanwaggoner.com) |
68 points by ryanwaggoner on Sept 9, 2010 | 20 comments
19. | | Google Apps (nearly) first class citizen now (google.com) |
66 points by michaelfairley on Sept 9, 2010 | 35 comments
20. | | Digg v4's Problems are not Technical (thebuzzmedia.com) |
65 points by rkalla on Sept 9, 2010 | 41 comments
21. | | Create your own Google dots logo (dotty-dots.appspot.com) |
61 points by icco on Sept 9, 2010 | 14 comments
22. | | Cheap, portable personal 3D printer: the UP [video] (boingboing.net) |
60 points by chaostheory on Sept 9, 2010 | 13 comments
23. | | HDR video accomplished using dual 5D Mark IIs (engadget.com) |
57 points by makeramen on Sept 9, 2010 | 23 comments
24. | | Checkout by Amazon now works without leaving your site (amazon.com) |
51 points by timf on Sept 9, 2010 | 15 comments
25. | | HN Poll: What is your personality type? |
50 points by abyssknight on Sept 9, 2010 | 75 comments
26. | | Scientists: Go ahead, kill all the mosquitoes. (chron.com) |
46 points by ygd on Sept 9, 2010 | 57 comments
27. | | What's New in the Updated App Store License Agreement and New Review Guidelines (daringfireball.net) |
40 points by mudgemeister on Sept 9, 2010 | 14 comments
28. | | Lose It or Lose It - Why, How, and How Much (forge38.com) |
40 points by dchs on Sept 9, 2010 | 23 comments
29. | | Washington State Man Drives 1,400 Miles Without Refueling (nytimes.com) |
38 points by ankimal on Sept 9, 2010 | 21 comments
30. | | JS Benchmarks: Closing In (blog.mozilla.com) |
38 points by sayrer on Sept 9, 2010 | 7 comments
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