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Stories from March 16, 2016
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1. Open Sourcers Race to Build Better Versions of Slack (wired.com)
498 points by butterfinger on March 16, 2016 | 383 comments
2. Adam (unity3d.com)
657 points by nikolay on March 15, 2016 | 132 comments
3. Google nabs Apple as a cloud customer (businessinsider.com)
471 points by ra7 on March 16, 2016 | 216 comments
4. VPN Comparison Chart (docs.google.com)
510 points by prawn on March 16, 2016 | 194 comments
5. Apple files final response in San Bernardino iPhone case (sbsun.com)
258 points by balderdash on March 15, 2016 | 293 comments
6. Google shares software network load balancer design powering GCP networking (googleblog.com)
286 points by rey12rey on March 16, 2016 | 57 comments
7. English Syntax Highlighting (evanhahn.github.io)
248 points by azdle on March 16, 2016 | 105 comments
8. Twitter shut down Emojitracker's access (medium.com/mroth)
293 points by exolymph on March 16, 2016 | 184 comments
9. LivingSocial Is Laying Off More Than 50 Percent of Its Staff (recode.net)
230 points by danso on March 16, 2016 | 161 comments
10. An XSS on Facebook via PNGs and Wonky Content Types (fin1te.net)
309 points by renke1 on March 16, 2016 | 45 comments
11. PlayStation VR Will Arrive in October for $399 (techcrunch.com)
192 points by kjhughes on March 15, 2016 | 166 comments
12. How your data is collected and commoditised via “free” online services (troyhunt.com)
217 points by matthewwarren on March 16, 2016 | 68 comments
13. Thomas Jefferson and Apple versus the FBI (cr.yp.to)
217 points by lx on March 15, 2016 | 51 comments
14. The Deep Roots of JavaScript Fatigue (segment.com)
239 points by rapjs on March 16, 2016 | 178 comments
15. After Cash: All Fun and Games Until Somebody Loses a Bank Account (bloombergview.com)
170 points by jseliger on March 16, 2016 | 226 comments
16. AlphaGo Is Not the Solution to AI (acm.org)
101 points by fforflo on March 15, 2016 | 63 comments
17. Klisp – An implementation of the Kernel programming language (klisp.org)
105 points by ycmbntrthrwaway on March 16, 2016 | 74 comments
18. DRM Non-Aggression on the Table at W3C (eff.org)
101 points by DiabloD3 on March 16, 2016 | 38 comments
19. Grd – A CSS grid framework using Flexbox in 512 bytes gzipped (1000ch.github.io)
196 points by 1000ch on March 16, 2016 | 150 comments
20. Bad Terms (aaronkharris.com)
171 points by tilt on March 16, 2016 | 30 comments
21. JavaScript libraries should be written in TypeScript (staltz.com)
386 points by ingve on March 16, 2016 | 275 comments
22. Venture Capital’s Answer to High-Priced Housing: Dorms for Grown Ups (wsj.com)
120 points by lxm on March 16, 2016 | 155 comments
23. Millennials Flee Vancouver for More Affordable Cities (bloomberg.com)
197 points by bvanvugt on March 16, 2016 | 260 comments
24. Substance: a JavaScript library for web-based content editing (substance.io)
113 points by r0muald on March 16, 2016 | 26 comments
25. Patents and innovation in economic history [pdf] (gwern.net)
49 points by gwern on March 15, 2016 | 21 comments
26. Major sites including New York Times and BBC hit by 'ransomware' malvertising (theguardian.com)
162 points by oneeyedpigeon on March 16, 2016 | 83 comments
27. Why Neuroscientists Need to Study the Crow (nautil.us)
88 points by sergeant3 on March 15, 2016 | 29 comments
28. ASCIImator: Online ASCII Animator (asciimator.net)
102 points by franze on March 16, 2016 | 12 comments
29. Islamic art inspires stretchy, switchable materials (bbc.com)
124 points by MichalSikora on March 16, 2016 | 24 comments
30. FBI Wants It to Be Impractical to Deploy Strong Encryption Without Key Escrow (rietta.com)
293 points by rietta on March 16, 2016 | 179 comments

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