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Stories from October 15, 2020
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1. Dropbox Converts to Permanent WFH (businessinsider.com)
855 points by jeffbee on Oct 15, 2020 | 465 comments
2. Congress should invest in open-source software (brookings.edu)
692 points by gilad on Oct 15, 2020 | 164 comments
3. Waypoint: Build, deploy, and release applications across any platform (hashicorp.com)
549 points by jacobwg on Oct 15, 2020 | 135 comments
4. Hum to Search Song (blog.google)
524 points by kodisha on Oct 15, 2020 | 214 comments
5. Tuesday was my last day as CEO of CircleUp (twitter.com/ryan_caldbeck)
405 points by rmason on Oct 15, 2020 | 148 comments
6. A warning about Glassdoor (reddit.com)
1262 points by nosmokewhereiam on Oct 15, 2020 | 329 comments
7. YouTube bans coronavirus vaccine misinformation (reuters.com)
461 points by finphil on Oct 14, 2020 | 893 comments
8. I found black-hat content marketers: sockpuppet bloggers, fake Reddit/HN accts (twitter.com/troyd)
393 points by troydavis on Oct 14, 2020 | 241 comments
9. Canonical introduces high-availability Micro-Kubernetes (zdnet.com)
210 points by sandGorgon on Oct 15, 2020 | 117 comments
10. Unifying the Technical Interview (aphyr.com)
233 points by di on Oct 14, 2020 | 42 comments
11. Beware the Casual Polymath (applieddivinitystudies.com)
224 points by elsewhen on Oct 15, 2020 | 104 comments
12. Google disabled my husband's account (twitter.com/miguelytob)
763 points by Eyas on Oct 15, 2020 | 483 comments
13. What if we had Local-First Software? (adlrocha.substack.com)
291 points by adlrocha on Oct 15, 2020 | 144 comments
14. Acoustic Kitty (wikipedia.org)
170 points by Hooke on Oct 13, 2020 | 67 comments
15. How to Get Fired Using Switch Statements and Statement Expressions (2016) (robertelder.org)
209 points by lelf on Oct 15, 2020 | 132 comments
16. Amazon Price-Tracker with Alerts (camelcamelcamel.com)
237 points by crazypython on Oct 15, 2020 | 134 comments
17. Hacked billboards make Teslas see phantom objects causing them to swerve or stop (newsweek.com)
199 points by alistairSH on Oct 15, 2020 | 257 comments
18. ReactOS (reactos.org)
265 points by shark1 on Oct 15, 2020 | 133 comments
19. A Family of Better Random Number Generators (pcg-random.org)
163 points by marcobambini on Oct 15, 2020 | 118 comments
20. Launch HN: Openland (YC W18) – Community platform with automation
82 points by yurylifshits on Oct 15, 2020 | 39 comments
21. Is Stupidity Expanding? Some Hypotheses (greaterwrong.com)
322 points by onemind on Oct 15, 2020 | 295 comments
22. SpaCy v3.0 Nightly (explosion.ai)
224 points by binarymax on Oct 15, 2020 | 29 comments
23. Ask HN: Why are there no open source 2d printers?
288 points by pangoraw on Oct 15, 2020 | 240 comments
24. Re-Thinking the Desktop OS (twitter.com/patrickc)
169 points by tosh on Oct 15, 2020 | 263 comments
25. Indoor Mapping Data Format (register.apple.com)
182 points by jonbaer on Oct 13, 2020 | 89 comments
26. Cups Printing System Open-Source Development Has Seemingly Dried Up (phoronix.com)
218 points by varbhat on Oct 15, 2020 | 234 comments
27. FCC to move ahead with 'rulemaking' on Section 230 (twitter.com/ajitpaifcc)
148 points by uncoder0 on Oct 15, 2020 | 248 comments
28. Why are the noses broken on Egyptian statues? (hyperallergic.com)
135 points by unpredict on Oct 14, 2020 | 133 comments
29. LDM: My Favorite ARM Instruction (keleshev.com)
145 points by one_and_only on Oct 15, 2020 | 127 comments
30. Cruise (GM) receives permit for fully driverless cars (medium.com/cruise)
139 points by votick on Oct 15, 2020 | 149 comments

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