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Stories from September 12, 2022
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1. Ladybird: A new cross-platform browser project (awesomekling.github.io)
1341 points by eatonphil on Sept 12, 2022 | 473 comments
2. Diffusion Bee: Stable Diffusion GUI App for M1 Mac (github.com/divamgupta)
727 points by divamgupta on Sept 12, 2022 | 190 comments
3. Online art communities begin banning AI-generated images (waxy.org)
303 points by hardmaru on Sept 12, 2022 | 344 comments
4. The Follower: Using open cameras and AI to find how an Instagram photo is taken (driesdepoorter.be)
499 points by maciejgryka on Sept 12, 2022 | 108 comments
5. Dark Sky iOS app will no longer work from Dec 31 (darksky.net)
371 points by SamuelAdams on Sept 12, 2022 | 301 comments
6. Twine is an open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories (twinery.org)
338 points by memorable on Sept 10, 2022 | 72 comments
7. Prenatal cannabis exposure associated with mental disorders in children (nih.gov)
381 points by lame-robot-hoax on Sept 12, 2022 | 360 comments
8. Coffee with Brian Kernighan [video] (youtube.com)
252 points by type0 on Sept 11, 2022 | 37 comments
9. What makes a senior engineer? Writing software vs. building systems (codewithstyle.info)
298 points by fagnerbrack on Sept 12, 2022 | 144 comments
10. MVP.css – Minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements (andybrewer.github.io)
311 points by thunderbong on Sept 12, 2022 | 118 comments
11. Transformers seem to mimic parts of the brain (quantamagazine.org)
140 points by theafh on Sept 12, 2022 | 76 comments
12. Fixing a 30-year-old Roland synthesizer bug (vogons.org)
189 points by montag on Sept 12, 2022 | 33 comments
13. Serving a high-performance blog solely from memory, using Rust (xeiaso.net)
196 points by lanakei on Sept 12, 2022 | 130 comments
14. Heavier cars are safer for their drivers, but far deadlier for everyone else (oup.com)
403 points by cwwc on Sept 12, 2022 | 729 comments
15. Intel says one of its 13th Gen CPUs will hit 6GHz out of the box (theverge.com)
222 points by Tomte on Sept 12, 2022 | 451 comments
16. The Protobuf Language Specification (buf.build)
194 points by akshayshah on Sept 12, 2022 | 94 comments
17. A development process to ship features fast (paralect.com)
186 points by gmays on Sept 12, 2022 | 205 comments
18. Ask HN: How do you find the weird parts of the web?
372 points by bittercynic on Sept 12, 2022 | 115 comments
19. An Overview of TUNIS: A UNIX Look-Alike Written in Concurrent Euclid (1982) (archive.org)
101 points by lproven on Sept 12, 2022 | 45 comments
20. A look inside Feynman’s calculus notebook (scitation.org)
213 points by gmays on Sept 10, 2022 | 83 comments
21. Anti-royal protesters are being arrested in the U.K. as 'Not My King' tag grows (npr.org)
382 points by rntn on Sept 12, 2022 | 631 comments
22. Exploring FPGA Graphics (projectf.io)
193 points by rtpg on Sept 12, 2022 | 42 comments
23. Choosing happiness (humbledollar.com)
177 points by 5F7bGnd6fWJ66xN on Sept 12, 2022 | 101 comments
24. Perfecting WebGPU/Dawn native graphics for Zig (hexops.com)
127 points by tehnub on Sept 11, 2022 | 19 comments
25. Intel’s Meteor Lake Chiplets, Compared to AMD’s (chipsandcheese.com)
114 points by rbanffy on Sept 12, 2022 | 23 comments
26. Dial Caliper Repair (2019) (longislandindicator.com)
64 points by stacktrust on Sept 11, 2022 | 35 comments
27. The dumbest way to solve a maze [video] (youtube.com)
120 points by fortran77 on Sept 11, 2022 | 59 comments
28. The AI Unbundling (stratechery.com)
191 points by kaboro on Sept 12, 2022 | 201 comments
29. Investors sue Treasury Department for blacklisting crypto platform Tornado Cash (nytimes.com)
227 points by CapitalistCartr on Sept 12, 2022 | 526 comments
30. Who cares about diversity? (fakenous.substack.com)
351 points by gmays on Sept 12, 2022 | 467 comments

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