1. | | Mari0=Mario + Portal ..Open source game (stabyourself.net) |
406 points by rjim86 on March 5, 2012 | 56 comments
2. | | Square Register (squareup.com) |
331 points by robbiet480 on March 5, 2012 | 121 comments
3. | | Responsible Disclosure Policy (github.com/blog) |
317 points by mnilsson on March 5, 2012 | 78 comments
4. | | Rich Hickey's new project: datomic.com (datomic.com) |
315 points by indy on March 5, 2012 | 105 comments
5. | | How Homakov hacked GitHub & the line of code that could have prevented it (gist.github.com) |
316 points by petenixey on March 5, 2012 | 84 comments
6. | | Sometimes the bug isn't in your code, it's in the CPU (dragonflybsd.org) |
303 points by there on March 5, 2012 | 97 comments
7. | | A single tweet page is 2.0 MB (teczno.com) |
293 points by skimbrel on March 5, 2012 | 110 comments
8. | | Induction: A Polyglot Database Client For Mac OS X (inductionapp.com) |
283 points by matttthompson on March 5, 2012 | 82 comments
9. | | Docracy - Free (community curated) Legal Documents (docracy.com) |
228 points by carlsednaoui on March 5, 2012 | 53 comments
10. | | Learning to Code: The Roadmap I Wish I Had Been Given (jimmy-li.net) |
208 points by jyli7 on March 5, 2012 | 74 comments
11. | | What happens after you interview at Y Combinator — and get rejected. (katherinehague.com) |
188 points by katherinehague on March 5, 2012 | 45 comments
12. | | Having fun with 404 (heyzap.com) |
186 points by foobar2k on March 5, 2012 | 32 comments
13. | | What’s New In Python 3.3 (python.org) |
178 points by ch0wn on March 5, 2012 | 54 comments
14. | | Show HN: I wrote a guidebook on everything I know about applying to Y Combinator (guidetoyc.com) |
177 points by jasonshen on March 5, 2012 | 53 comments
15. | | Chute (YC W12) Launches A Twilio For Photos (techcrunch.com) |
169 points by ranvir on March 5, 2012 | 46 comments
16. | | Rolling Up My Sleeves (cmdrtaco.net) |
159 points by th0ma5 on March 5, 2012 | 20 comments
17. | | Seth Levine: Sick of start-up BS (cnn.com) |
135 points by cwan on March 5, 2012 | 39 comments
18. | | Show HN: GPS + Calendar + Traffic = always on time (needtobounce.com) |
136 points by justinwi on March 5, 2012 | 33 comments
19. | | Stephen Wolfram does an AMA (reddit.com) |
119 points by instakill on March 5, 2012 | 30 comments
20. | | What Every Programmer Should Know About SEO (katemats.com) |
120 points by kateroth on March 5, 2012 | 31 comments
21. | | People Aren't Smart Enough for Democracy to Flourish, Scientists Say (yahoo.com) |
116 points by pwg on March 5, 2012 | 157 comments
22. | | ESPN Developer Center (espn.com) |
106 points by duck on March 5, 2012 | 76 comments
23. | | MITx First Course "6.002x Circuits and Electronics" is Live (mitx.mit.edu) |
105 points by ernestipark on March 5, 2012 | 47 comments
24. | | Going Simple with JavaScript (snook.ca) |
103 points by joshuacc on March 5, 2012 | 69 comments
25. | | Codakido, Lua/SDL programming environment for Kids, with C64-alike editor (github.com/antirez) |
98 points by antirez on March 5, 2012 | 54 comments
26. | | Two Sources of Stress that (probably) apply to you (dalethoughts.com) |
97 points by dmd149 on March 5, 2012 | 36 comments
27. | | Github Is Classy (housepub.org) |
97 points by craigkerstiens on March 5, 2012 | 67 comments
28. | | Ask HN: Finding work for a significant other |
95 points by iwritecode on March 5, 2012 | 20 comments
29. | | This Morning I Didn't Go To Work (davejafari.com) |
94 points by netmau5 on March 5, 2012 | 32 comments
30. | | BankersBox - a Redis-like API for localStorage (twilio.com) |
95 points by jazzychad on March 5, 2012 | 11 comments
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