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Stories from November 6, 2016
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1. Canada’s federal court rules intelligence service bulk data collection illegal (theglobeandmail.com)
387 points by based2 on Nov 6, 2016 | 53 comments
2. Time to Dump Time Zones (nytimes.com)
629 points by lxm on Nov 6, 2016 | 536 comments
3. Intercooler.js – Making AJAX as easy as anchor tags (github.com/leaddyno)
455 points by cx1000 on Nov 6, 2016 | 151 comments
4. Nvidia adds telemetry to latest drivers (majorgeeks.com)
409 points by schwarze_pest on Nov 6, 2016 | 231 comments
5. Negative Emotions Are Key to Well-Being (scientificamerican.com)
251 points by villancikos on Nov 6, 2016 | 65 comments
6. FindBugs project in its current form is dead (umd.edu)
264 points by fanalin on Nov 6, 2016 | 116 comments
7. Nyancat on the touchbar (github.com/avatsaev)
383 points by matt2000 on Nov 6, 2016 | 159 comments
8. Unsplash – Beautiful photos free to use under the Unsplash License (unsplash.com)
447 points by tambourine_man on Nov 6, 2016 | 76 comments
9. Every Version of Voxel Quest (voxelquest.com)
253 points by shawndumas on Nov 6, 2016 | 78 comments
10. Doing Business in Japan (2014) (kalzumeus.com)
185 points by bholdr on Nov 6, 2016 | 51 comments
11. Freeing my tablet: Android hacking, software and hardware (thanassis.space)
208 points by jscholes on Nov 6, 2016 | 57 comments
12. Fighting Loneliness with Public Living Rooms (citylab.com)
189 points by misnamed on Nov 6, 2016 | 133 comments
13. Berlin Is Bringing Back Subway Trains from the 1950s (citylab.com)
189 points by doener on Nov 6, 2016 | 99 comments
14. Show HN: LosslessCut – Cross-platform GUI tool for fast, lossless video cutting (github.com/mifi)
98 points by mifino on Nov 6, 2016 | 33 comments
15. Cylance Discloses Voting Machine Vulnerability (cylance.com)
155 points by rsobers on Nov 6, 2016 | 120 comments
16. Tensorflow and Deep Learning, Without a PhD, Martin Gorner, Google [video] (youtube.com)
218 points by ayanray on Nov 6, 2016 | 33 comments
17. Design Principles for Reducing Cognitive Load (marvelapp.com)
127 points by lxm on Nov 6, 2016 | 17 comments
18. Principles for smooth web animations (gyrosco.pe)
198 points by julianshapiro on Nov 6, 2016 | 26 comments
19. How a Gift from Schoolchildren Let the Soviets Spy on the U.S. For 7 Years (atlasobscura.com)
226 points by Cozumel on Nov 6, 2016 | 29 comments
20. Ask HN: Overwhelmed with learning front-end, how do I proceed?
255 points by PythonicPro on Nov 6, 2016 | 132 comments
21. Crocker's rules (lesswrong.com)
117 points by Tomte on Nov 5, 2016 | 54 comments
22. PaperNIC – Open Source Document Management and Collaboration System (github.com/murat-cileli)
52 points by dos4gw_exe on Nov 5, 2016 | 16 comments
23. JSCity – An implementation of the Code City metaphor for visualizing source code (github.com/aserg-ufmg)
129 points by nextjj on Nov 6, 2016 | 13 comments
24. The Beauty of Bounded Gaps (2013) (slate.com)
44 points by cyang08 on Nov 6, 2016 | 12 comments
25. Turning off syntax highlighting (dudzik.co)
172 points by dudzik on Nov 6, 2016 | 184 comments
26. Reservoirs are contributing 1.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions (reflectionsonwater.org)
70 points by Osiris30 on Nov 6, 2016 | 33 comments
27. Don’t Get Attached, It’s Just Luck. My Interviewing Advice and Tips (medium.com/ehnertm)
155 points by maxehnert on Nov 6, 2016 | 106 comments
28. The Pac-Man Dossier (gamasutra.com)
80 points by Tomte on Nov 5, 2016 | 11 comments
29. Scientists Can Publish Their Best Work at Any Age (nature.com)
111 points by barry-cotter on Nov 6, 2016 | 10 comments
30. Retrotechtacular: FAX as a Service in 1984 (hackaday.com)
41 points by mmastrac on Nov 6, 2016 | 9 comments

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