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Stories from October 30, 2007
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1. I'm not young enough to know everything (raganwald.com)
33 points by bootload on Oct 30, 2007 | 8 comments
2. Plentyoffish: 1 (Actually 2-3) Man Company May Be Worth $1Billion (readwriteweb.com)
29 points by chaostheory on Oct 30, 2007 | 7 comments
3. Aaron Swartz launches Job Book, an encyclopedia of jobs (sethroberts.net)
29 points by divia on Oct 30, 2007 | 33 comments
4. S '07 YC startup launches: Disqus Joins The Battle For Your Blog's Comments (techcrunch.com)
21 points by immad on Oct 30, 2007 | 18 comments
5. Wolfram's 2,3 Turing Machine Proof of Universality Flawed (nyu.edu)
17 points by nickb on Oct 30, 2007 | 10 comments
6. (unofficial) YC Meetup: Boston, Sunday, Nov 4, 2007
17 points by rkabir on Oct 30, 2007 | 5 comments
7. Woz raps on Apple for lower ideals, locked iPhone, less innovative UI (engadget.com)
15 points by nickb on Oct 30, 2007 | 11 comments
8. Ask YC: How did you come up with your startup idea?
15 points by plinkplonk on Oct 30, 2007 | 29 comments
9. POSTPONED to DEC 1: (unofficial) YC Meetup: Boston, Sunday, Nov 4, 2007
10 points by rkabir on Oct 30, 2007 | 10 comments
10. So Long Apple. The Party's Over (javalobby.org)
11 points by jkush on Oct 30, 2007 | 16 comments
11. They Write the Right Stuff (fastcompany.com)
10 points by initself on Oct 30, 2007
12. Joe Armstrong - On Erlang, OO, Concurrency, Shared State and the Future (Channel 9 interview) (msdn.com)
9 points by iamelgringo on Oct 30, 2007 | 1 comment
13. Automattic Spurns $200 Million Acquisition Offer (techcrunch.com)
10 points by danielha on Oct 30, 2007 | 3 comments
14. Human Computation (Google Tech Talk) (video.google.com)
10 points by robg on Oct 30, 2007 | 4 comments
15. Y Europe's First Startup, Soup.io (techcrunch.com)
10 points by drm237 on Oct 30, 2007 | 5 comments
16. Inspiring Ricardo Semler lecture at MIT (37signals.com)
10 points by luccastera on Oct 30, 2007
17. Gmail fights image spam with OCR (google.com)
9 points by brlewis on Oct 30, 2007 | 3 comments
18. Meebo introduces developer platform, third party voice and video apps (techcrunch.com)
9 points by mqt on Oct 30, 2007 | 3 comments
19. AT&T Invents Programming Language for Mass Surveillance (wired.com)
7 points by nickb on Oct 30, 2007 | 9 comments
20. Whither the Renaissance Man? (technologyreview.com)
7 points by byrneseyeview on Oct 30, 2007 | 1 comment
21. People Who Like Meebo Don't Recognize This Girl (lesson on platforms) (uncov.com)
8 points by nickb on Oct 30, 2007 | 6 comments
22. Video Game Programmer Interview - October 2007 (docs.google.com)
8 points by nickb on Oct 30, 2007 | 7 comments
23. Where Designers Rule (businessweek.com)
6 points by mqt on Oct 30, 2007 | 1 comment
24. Trying to reach Hacker News readers located in Mexico City.
7 points by rodrigo on Oct 30, 2007 | 5 comments
25. People Are Human-Bacteria Hybrid (wired.com)
5 points by nickb on Oct 30, 2007
26. Will we still be alive in 2150? (bestlifeonline.com)
6 points by jkush on Oct 30, 2007 | 8 comments
27. Porn in Exchange for Captcha Work (heise-security.co.uk)
6 points by chaostheory on Oct 30, 2007 | 7 comments
28. Ask YC Hackers: Best text for learning to develop apps for Mac OS X
6 points by pius on Oct 30, 2007 | 12 comments
29. Why the Web 2.0 Bubble Doesn't Bother Silicon Valley (nymag.com)
6 points by nickb on Oct 30, 2007
30. How to evolve a watch (scienceblogs.com)
5 points by nickb on Oct 30, 2007 | 1 comment

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