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Stories from December 27, 2021
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1. Italian Courts Find Open Source Software Terms Enforceable (ifthisbetreason.com)
632 points by em-bee on Dec 27, 2021 | 160 comments
2. Ontario bans non-competes and creates right to disconnect from work (gowlingwlg.com)
575 points by smitop on Dec 27, 2021 | 171 comments
3. Ask HN: How did my LastPass master password get leaked?
877 points by gregsadetsky on Dec 27, 2021 | 515 comments
4. Ubisoft deleted account with hundreds of dollars’ worth of games for inactivity (mmos.com)
568 points by josephcsible on Dec 27, 2021 | 526 comments
5. A Review of the Zig Programming Language (Using Advent of Code 2021) (duskborn.com)
341 points by mkeeter on Dec 27, 2021 | 270 comments
6. Ten Years of Logging My Life (chaidarun.com)
452 points by artnc on Dec 26, 2021 | 156 comments
7. Decoding James Webb Space Telescope (destevez.net)
286 points by gaius_baltar on Dec 27, 2021 | 93 comments
8. HyperNeRF (hypernerf.github.io)
288 points by montyanderson on Dec 27, 2021 | 45 comments
9. Ask HN: What is your spiritual practice?
390 points by andrei_says_ on Dec 27, 2021 | 913 comments
10. New muscle layer discovered on the jaw (unibas.ch)
184 points by giuliomagnifico on Dec 27, 2021 | 62 comments
11. Recording 660FPS Video on a $6 Raspberry Pi Camera (2019) (robertelder.org)
293 points by tosh on Dec 27, 2021 | 63 comments
12. Maybe we could tone down the JavaScript (2016) (eev.ee)
298 points by aluxian on Dec 27, 2021 | 219 comments
13. "Widevine Dump":Leaked Code Downloads HD Video from Disney+, Amazon, and Netflix (torrentfreak.com)
449 points by bertman on Dec 27, 2021 | 293 comments
14. E.O. Wilson has died (reuters.com)
353 points by harscoat on Dec 27, 2021 | 74 comments
15. The Best Things and Stuff of 2021 (fogus.me)
262 points by bvaldivielso on Dec 27, 2021 | 23 comments
16. Quick and dirty way to rip an eBook from Android (shkspr.mobi)
192 points by Amorymeltzer on Dec 27, 2021 | 61 comments
17. The absurdity of renting a car will no longer be tolerated (theatlantic.com)
240 points by fortran77 on Dec 26, 2021 | 500 comments
18. Why Is C Faster Than Java (2009) (marc.info)
211 points by signa11 on Dec 23, 2021 | 367 comments
19. immudb – world’s fastest immutable database, built on a zero trust model (github.com/codenotary)
226 points by dragonsh on Dec 27, 2021 | 103 comments
20. Lua: Good, Bad, and Ugly Parts (2012) (kulchenko.com)
202 points by Svetlitski on Dec 23, 2021 | 94 comments
21. The Swiss wanderer who found the soul of 1950s Japan (theguardian.com)
169 points by Thevet on Dec 22, 2021 | 67 comments
22. There's an ARM Cortex-M4 with Bluetooth inside a Covid test kit (twitter.com/foone)
237 points by ir193 on Dec 27, 2021 | 184 comments
23. The state of external retina displays (caseyliss.com)
379 points by zain on Dec 27, 2021 | 336 comments
24. A Tumblr developer on the App Store approval process (sreegs.tumblr.com)
194 points by AndrewDucker on Dec 26, 2021 | 155 comments
25. Knock Knock Who's There? – An NSA VM (put.as)
157 points by davikrr on Dec 26, 2021 | 42 comments
26. Windows 2000 Modernization Guide (phreaknet.org)
198 points by gjvc on Dec 27, 2021 | 200 comments
27. Plant Root System Drawings (wur.nl)
170 points by cheesysam on Dec 24, 2021 | 16 comments
28. OsmAnd 4.1 adds inital support for Android Auto (osmand.net)
134 points by sm4rk0 on Dec 26, 2021 | 41 comments
29. Rack 2 (Virtual Eurorack) (github.com/vcvrack)
146 points by tosh on Dec 27, 2021 | 71 comments
30. Analysis and reverse-engineering of the original Starlink router (olegkutkov.me)
132 points by codewiz on Dec 26, 2021 | 50 comments

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