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Stories from September 2, 2022
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1. Show HN: I'm building an open-source Amazon (openship.org)
1335 points by theturtletalks on Sept 2, 2022 | 301 comments
2. Nuclear-Powered Cardiac Pacemakers (lanl.gov)
431 points by bookofjoe on Sept 2, 2022 | 264 comments
3. Show HN: Wavvy – web-based audio editor (Audacity port) (wavvy.app)
530 points by ahilss on Sept 2, 2022 | 111 comments
4. We clone a running VM in 2 seconds (codesandbox.io)
414 points by mrkurt on Sept 1, 2022 | 109 comments
5. How Crash Bandicoot hacked the original Playstation (2020) [video] (youtube.com)
325 points by agomez314 on Aug 31, 2022 | 71 comments
6. USB4 v2 is also 120 Gbps (angstronomics.com)
193 points by WithinReason on Sept 2, 2022 | 246 comments
7. Samsung Recent Security Incident (samsung.com)
248 points by rock_artist on Sept 2, 2022 | 165 comments
8. Native Minecraft servers with GraalVM Native Image (github.com/hpi-swa)
190 points by fniephaus on Sept 2, 2022 | 89 comments
9. Folk Interfaces (maggieappleton.com)
223 points by lysergia on Sept 2, 2022 | 101 comments
10. Will young Americans want to work in semiconductor manufacturing? [video] (youtube.com)
214 points by henning on Sept 2, 2022 | 330 comments
11. Why have I never heard of the Ene-Farm? (2017) (earthbound.report)
109 points by xhrpost on Sept 2, 2022 | 53 comments
12. Using a Raspberry Pi as a Bluetooth Speaker with PipeWire (collabora.com)
198 points by mfilion on Sept 2, 2022 | 64 comments
13. Notes on the SQLite DuckDB Paper (simonwillison.net)
195 points by todsacerdoti on Sept 1, 2022 | 28 comments
14. Tor – Arti 1.0.0 is released: Rust Tor implementation ready for production use (torproject.org)
250 points by Trouble_007 on Sept 2, 2022 | 64 comments
15. Framework is now available in Australia (frame.work)
239 points by tony-allan on Sept 1, 2022 | 144 comments
16. Cannabis legalization decreases stock market value of major pharmaceutical firms (unm.edu)
288 points by DocFeind on Sept 2, 2022 | 211 comments
17. Doug Engelbart’s design for knowledge-based organizations (1992) [pdf] (dougengelbart.org)
147 points by conanxin on Sept 2, 2022 | 30 comments
18. Cops wanted to keep mass surveillance app secret; privacy advocates refused (arstechnica.com)
312 points by thunderbong on Sept 2, 2022 | 135 comments
19. Australian Signals Directorate coin code cracked by 14yo in 'just over an hour' (abc.net.au)
199 points by psychstudio on Sept 2, 2022 | 105 comments
20. Evaluation of TikTok vs. Instagram Reels (surgehq.ai)
222 points by echen on Sept 2, 2022 | 263 comments
21. Trending tabs are being deprecated due to low usage (github.com/community)
288 points by willdr on Sept 2, 2022 | 125 comments
22. Crystal Programming Language (crystal-lang.org)
206 points by simonebrunozzi on Sept 1, 2022 | 112 comments
23. My Contribution to Markdown (leancrew.com)
120 points by zdw on Sept 2, 2022 | 77 comments
24. Germany pushes for ‘pay as you fly’ model (businesstravelnewseurope.com)
210 points by helsinkiandrew on Sept 2, 2022 | 295 comments
25. Responding to recruiter emails with GPT-3 (matthewbilyeu.com)
213 points by mbil on Sept 2, 2022 | 133 comments
26. Improper Nouns (siderea.dreamwidth.org)
118 points by panic on Sept 1, 2022 | 95 comments
27. Making iron from sand [video] (youtube.com)
249 points by manuelabeledo on Sept 2, 2022 | 154 comments
28. Show HN: Countle (countle.org)
152 points by gdix on Sept 2, 2022 | 53 comments
29. We want to make Nix better (determinate.systems)
223 points by biggestlou on Sept 2, 2022 | 198 comments
30. The Manual for the Mass Surveillance Tool Cops Use to Track Phones (vice.com)
263 points by AtomicOrbital on Sept 2, 2022 | 95 comments

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