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Stories from December 4, 2016
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1. Four Million Commutes Reveal New U.S. 'Megaregions' (nationalgeographic.com)
322 points by nopinsight on Dec 4, 2016 | 252 comments
2. Disassembling Sublime Text (thume.ca)
419 points by trishume on Dec 4, 2016 | 144 comments
3. Data Science: CSCI E-109 Publication Listing (dce.harvard.edu)
284 points by tempw on Dec 4, 2016 | 19 comments
4. No Spanking, No Time-Out, No Problems (theatlantic.com)
280 points by behoove on Dec 4, 2016 | 425 comments
5. How I Wrote the Screenplay for “Arrival” and What I Learned Doing It (thetalkhouse.com)
351 points by espeed on Dec 3, 2016 | 118 comments
6. PouchDB, the JavaScript Database That Syncs (pouchdb.com)
321 points by _qc3o on Dec 4, 2016 | 94 comments
7. Mars Pathfinder Mission Home Page (1997) (nasa.gov)
164 points by Lukas_Skywalker on Dec 4, 2016 | 56 comments
8. Python for Feature Film: Programming Images to Life (dgovil.com)
187 points by dagmx on Dec 4, 2016 | 37 comments
9. Criminals can guess Visa number and security code in six seconds, experts find (independent.co.uk)
218 points by seycombi on Dec 4, 2016 | 154 comments
10. Rust: 128 bit integers preparing to be released (github.com/rust-lang)
278 points by geoffreyiy1 on Dec 4, 2016 | 162 comments
11. Design and Implementation of a Win32 Text Editor (2005) (catch22.net)
173 points by setra on Dec 4, 2016 | 51 comments
12. Mathematical Reasoning and Distributed Systems by Erik Meijer and Leslie Lamport (youtube.com)
208 points by adamnemecek on Dec 4, 2016 | 37 comments
13. Erich Bloch, Who Helped Develop IBM Mainframe, Has Died (nytimes.com)
158 points by mooreds on Dec 4, 2016 | 23 comments
14. Model-Based Machine Learning (mbmlbook.com)
221 points by seycombi on Dec 4, 2016 | 30 comments
15. Magic Leap – Separating Magic and Reality (kguttag.com)
128 points by mmastrac on Dec 3, 2016 | 37 comments
16. Magicians fought over an ultra-secret tracker dedicated to stealing magic tricks (businessinsider.de)
161 points by juanito on Dec 4, 2016 | 36 comments
17. AVS RetroUSB: FPGA-Based Re-Implementation of the NES/Famicon (retrousb.com)
101 points by guruz on Dec 4, 2016 | 31 comments
18. Stripe founders are the youngest Irish billionaires on paper (bloomberg.com)
117 points by aburan28 on Dec 4, 2016 | 76 comments
19. TRust-DNS: implementing futures-rs and tokio-rs support (bluejekyll.github.io)
121 points by killercup on Dec 4, 2016 | 17 comments
20. Improved Authentication for Email Encryption and Security (protonmail.com)
136 points by binaryanomaly on Dec 4, 2016 | 71 comments
21. Screaming Fast Galois Field Arithmetic Using Intel SIMD Instructions (2013) (utk.edu)
97 points by g0xA52A2A on Dec 4, 2016 | 34 comments
22. Sending mail with AWS SES and Route53 (chrisanthropic.com)
116 points by chrisanthropic on Dec 4, 2016 | 33 comments
23. Handling the Nastiest Pathogens as a Day Job (npr.org)
65 points by happy-go-lucky on Dec 4, 2016 | 15 comments
24. The State of European Tech 2016 (atomico.com)
98 points by mxschumacher on Dec 4, 2016 | 76 comments
25. Regional Security Office Ghana Shuts Down Fake US Embassy (state.gov)
108 points by lxm on Dec 3, 2016 | 48 comments
26. HDEV: High Definition Earth-Viewing System (nasa.gov)
67 points by sndean on Dec 4, 2016 | 11 comments
27. Alone in Pico: Postmortem of a 3D demake (lexaloffle.com)
83 points by phoboslab on Dec 4, 2016 | 15 comments
28. Secrets of the Medtronic MyCareLink Patient Monitor (incoherency.co.uk)
68 points by jstanley on Dec 4, 2016 | 23 comments
29. GLIntercept – An OpenGL function call interceptor for Windows (github.com/dtrebilco)
57 points by rocky1138 on Dec 4, 2016 | 15 comments
30. Reactive Offline-first Database (github.com/pubkey)
74 points by _qc3o on Dec 4, 2016 | 9 comments

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