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Stories from January 11, 2022
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1. CSS Gradients that avoid the “gray dead zone” (joshwcomeau.com)
1075 points by joshwcomeau on Jan 11, 2022 | 141 comments
2. U.S. surgeons transplant pig heart into human patient (apnews.com)
804 points by danso on Jan 10, 2022 | 701 comments
3. Student photographs people with hidden spy cam in the 1890s (2018) (boredpanda.com)
566 points by jakobdabo on Jan 9, 2022 | 203 comments
4. Make the “semantic web” web 3.0 again – with the help of SQLite (ansiwave.net)
461 points by sekao on Jan 11, 2022 | 213 comments
5. Is Google Search Deteriorating? Measuring Google's Search Quality in 2022 (surgehq.ai)
470 points by echen on Jan 11, 2022 | 414 comments
6. Show HN: I bought and tested the filtration of every mask on Amazon (armbrustusa.com)
594 points by lloydarmbrust on Jan 10, 2022 | 237 comments
7. PCI-Sig Releases 256GBps PCIe 6.0 X16 Spec (servethehome.com)
209 points by ksec on Jan 11, 2022 | 173 comments
8. The WebSocket Handbook (ably.com)
303 points by AlexTDiaconu on Jan 11, 2022 | 119 comments
9. Dsq: Commandline tool for running SQL queries against JSON, CSV, Parquet, etc. (multiprocess.io)
309 points by eatonphil on Jan 11, 2022 | 49 comments
10. You can build a skyscraper anywhere in Davis, California (burke.dev)
263 points by kevinburke on Jan 10, 2022 | 179 comments
11. Embrace slow productivity (newyorker.com)
314 points by lxm on Jan 11, 2022 | 203 comments
12. Nothing like this will be built again (2002) (antipope.org)
411 points by arethuza on Jan 11, 2022 | 260 comments
13. Launch HN: Clover (YC S20) – Notes, whiteboarding, and daily planner in one tool
140 points by attasi on Jan 11, 2022 | 105 comments
14. The optional chaining operator, “modern” browsers, and my mom (jim-nielsen.com)
432 points by ksec on Jan 11, 2022 | 298 comments
15. Euler’s 243-Year-Old ‘Impossible’ Puzzle Gets a Quantum Solution (quantamagazine.org)
231 points by nsoonhui on Jan 11, 2022 | 99 comments
16. Firefox 96 (mozilla.org)
508 points by NiekvdMaas on Jan 11, 2022 | 368 comments
17. Revisiting why hyperlinks are blue (blog.mozilla.org)
177 points by TangerineDream on Jan 11, 2022 | 60 comments
18. Decoded: GNU Coreutils (2018) (maizure.org)
157 points by firefly284 on Jan 10, 2022 | 7 comments
19. “Modern” C++ Lamentations (2018) (aras-p.info)
146 points by 0xedb on Jan 11, 2022 | 194 comments
20. What Defcon Sounds Like: Skyking Emergency Action Messages (2016) (specialcollections.radio)
131 points by riffic on Jan 11, 2022 | 64 comments
21. Jevons Paradox (wikipedia.org)
113 points by rememberlenny on Jan 11, 2022 | 90 comments
22. That famous Pixar lunch of 1994 (2014) (blcklst.com)
148 points by BerislavLopac on Jan 10, 2022 | 59 comments
23. Monumental Record: the lives of the workers building the Great Pyramid of Giza (historytoday.com)
152 points by diodorus on Jan 11, 2022 | 84 comments
24. Indian threat actor Patchwork APT caught in its own web (malwarebytes.com)
140 points by akshaybhalotia on Jan 11, 2022 | 27 comments
25. Milton Friedman’s Interest Rate Fallacy (maroonmacro.substack.com)
115 points by cinquemb on Jan 11, 2022 | 107 comments
26. LastPass appears to be holding users' passwords hostage (alternativeto.net)
383 points by tytso on Jan 11, 2022 | 217 comments
27. Gunicorn (gunicorn.org)
208 points by bryanrasmussen on Jan 10, 2022 | 171 comments
28. How we built a VS Code Extension with Rust, WebAssembly, and TypeScript (osohq.com)
167 points by thunderbong on Jan 11, 2022 | 19 comments
29. Window.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime for desktop graphics programming (github.com/windowjs)
163 points by EntICOnc on Jan 10, 2022 | 49 comments
30. Lufthansa confirmed that 18k flights had been flown empty to keep slots (airlive.net)
296 points by aloisdg on Jan 11, 2022 | 215 comments

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