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Stories from January 29, 2014
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1. How I Lost My $50,000 Twitter Username (medium.com/p)
1043 points by micahgoulart on Jan 29, 2014 | 386 comments
2. Edward Snowden nominated for Nobel peace prize (theguardian.com)
1028 points by ahjones on Jan 29, 2014 | 191 comments
3. 1/9998 = 0.0001 0002 0004 0008 0016 0032 0064 0128 0256.. (wolframalpha.com)
617 points by rsiqueira on Jan 29, 2014 | 96 comments
4. Lenovo to buy Google's Motorola handset division (reuters.com)
478 points by rpledge on Jan 29, 2014 | 253 comments
5. Coursera blocks access to students in Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria (coursera.org)
359 points by zactral on Jan 29, 2014 | 184 comments
6. Let banks fail: Iceland’s plan looks to be working (financialpost.com)
338 points by _0nac on Jan 29, 2014 | 150 comments
7. Show HN: Product Hunt – Hacker News for Products (producthunt.co)
360 points by rrhoover on Jan 29, 2014 | 101 comments
8. AMD reveals its first ARM processor: 8-core Opteron A1100 (arstechnica.com)
306 points by shawndumas on Jan 29, 2014 | 191 comments
9. Court: Google infringed patents, must pay 1.36 percent of AdWords revenue (arstechnica.com)
294 points by kjhughes on Jan 29, 2014 | 180 comments
10. AWS Tips, Tricks, and Techniques (launchbylunch.com)
295 points by sehrope on Jan 29, 2014 | 56 comments
11. IE7 users, we need to talk… (nursingjobs.us)
280 points by trothamel on Jan 29, 2014 | 180 comments
12. Jb’s story about how he nearly lost his Twitter handle (d.pr)
260 points by robin_reala on Jan 29, 2014 | 118 comments
13. The NHS is selling your private data – here's the price list [pdf] (hscic.gov.uk)
252 points by ghswa on Jan 29, 2014 | 114 comments
14. US bans students from “blacklisted” countries from getting access to Coursera (hummusforthought.com)
233 points by btimil on Jan 29, 2014 | 123 comments
15. Lenovo to acquire Motorola Mobility (googleblog.blogspot.com)
229 points by palebluedot on Jan 29, 2014 | 80 comments
16. Ask HN: What's the worst you've ever screwed up at work?
217 points by kadabra9 on Jan 29, 2014 | 309 comments
17. Patch's new owner lays off staff in 1:39 conference call (soundcloud.com)
183 points by coloneltcb on Jan 29, 2014 | 149 comments
18. SymPy Gamma: an open-source, Python-based alternative to Wolfram Alpha (sympygamma.com)
156 points by gioi on Jan 29, 2014 | 59 comments
19. The world’s rich stay rich while the poor struggle to prosper (johnkay.com)
132 points by rrgmitchell on Jan 29, 2014 | 130 comments
20. Nordic.js: A two-day conference all about JS in Stockholm 18-19 September 2014 (nordicjs.com)
123 points by jede on Jan 29, 2014 | 22 comments
21. Show HN: Unregistered word.tld domain names for your project (dictionarydomains.co)
128 points by thiele on Jan 29, 2014 | 61 comments
22. Google brings Chrome apps to Android and iOS (thenextweb.com)
123 points by bane on Jan 29, 2014 | 39 comments
23. Drilling surprise opens door to volcano-powered electricity (theconversation.com)
122 points by unspecified on Jan 29, 2014 | 81 comments
24. Metered Billing (beta) (linode.com)
118 points by martey on Jan 29, 2014 | 38 comments
25. DataHand (wikipedia.org)
111 points by hdivider on Jan 29, 2014 | 63 comments
26. Facebook's new optical storage solution [video] (facebook.com)
111 points by riledhel on Jan 29, 2014 | 63 comments
27. The Two Teenagers Who Run the Popular Twitter Feed @HistoryInPics (theatlantic.com)
108 points by freshfey on Jan 29, 2014 | 103 comments
28. Use Bootstrap, Nobody will Notice (strapfork.com)
100 points by charlieirish on Jan 29, 2014 | 40 comments
29. California regulator seeks to shut down 'learn to code' bootcamps (venturebeat.com)
104 points by coloneltcb on Jan 29, 2014 | 134 comments
30. State of The Union address minute by minute on Twitter (twitter.github.io)
104 points by aroch on Jan 29, 2014 | 97 comments

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