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Stories from February 16, 2022
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1. Lorinda Cherry, author of dc, bc, eqn has died (ncwit.org)
1291 points by ggm on Feb 15, 2022 | 185 comments
2. Passwordle (rsk0315.github.io)
956 points by snthueoa on Feb 16, 2022 | 249 comments
3. A new wave of Linux applications (tuxphones.com)
683 points by Vinnl on Feb 16, 2022 | 564 comments
4. Show HN: hue.tools – open-source toolbox for colors (hue.tools)
481 points by pabue on Feb 16, 2022 | 80 comments
5. LibreOffice running natively in the browser via WebAssembly (allotropia.de)
571 points by syrusakbary on Feb 16, 2022 | 208 comments
6. Perl code that is syntactically correct only on Fridays (github.com/jwilk)
466 points by pabs3 on Feb 16, 2022 | 223 comments
7. Don't use text pixelation to redact sensitive information (bishopfox.com)
485 points by feross on Feb 15, 2022 | 163 comments
8. It's often said that the Analytical Engine was before its time (twitter.com/rygorous)
252 points by luu on Feb 16, 2022 | 95 comments
9. Pure Bash Bible – A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes (github.com/dylanaraps)
291 points by rrampage on Feb 16, 2022 | 96 comments
10. Current MFA fatigue attack campaign targeting Microsoft Office 365 users (gosecure.net)
197 points by WaitWaitWha on Feb 16, 2022 | 184 comments
11. Show HN: ytcast – cast YouTube videos to your smart TV from command-line (github.com/marcolucidi01)
227 points by marcolucidi on Feb 16, 2022 | 51 comments
12. Music theory for nerds (2016) (eev.ee)
367 points by marianoguerra on Feb 16, 2022 | 301 comments
13. Elastic and Amazon reach agreement on trademark infringement lawsuit (elastic.co)
226 points by dhd415 on Feb 16, 2022 | 184 comments
14. How much do construction costs matter to the price of housing? (constructionphysics.substack.com)
197 points by ddubski on Feb 16, 2022 | 337 comments
15. Newegg has a bit of a scandal on its hands (windowscentral.com)
392 points by gautamcgoel on Feb 15, 2022 | 291 comments
16. 1Password for SSH and Git (Beta) (1password.com)
392 points by lkurtz on Feb 16, 2022 | 394 comments
17. How can you be fooled by the U+202E trick? (2013) (galogetlatorre.blogspot.com)
254 points by behnamoh on Feb 16, 2022 | 140 comments
18. Software defined USB port (Raspberry Pi pico RP2040) (github.com/sekigon-gonnoc)
182 points by childintime on Feb 15, 2022 | 34 comments
19. Everything we're told about website identity assurance is wrong (troyhunt.com)
191 points by nikbackm on Feb 16, 2022 | 142 comments
20. The Unbundling of Airflow (fal.ai)
164 points by gorkemyurt on Feb 15, 2022 | 58 comments
21. Heavy Wears the Crown and the Kohinoor (marginalrevolution.com)
101 points by smitty1e on Feb 15, 2022 | 65 comments
22. Launch HN: Realize (YC W22) – Integrate brokerage accounts into your site or app (realizefi.com)
92 points by seandoh on Feb 16, 2022 | 94 comments
23. Apache Arrow Flight SQL: Accelerating Database Access (apache.org)
150 points by ionychal on Feb 16, 2022 | 17 comments
24. Second Sight left users of its retinal implants in the dark (ieee.org)
276 points by headalgorithm on Feb 15, 2022 | 85 comments
25. Some neurons are active when adding, others when subtracting (uni-bonn.de)
105 points by gmays on Feb 16, 2022 | 69 comments
26. State of JavaScript 2021 (stateofjs.com)
297 points by kumartarun on Feb 16, 2022 | 239 comments
27. Show HN: Open-core icon sets that took me 12 years to create (streamlinehq.com)
313 points by vincent-lemoign on Feb 16, 2022 | 124 comments
28. New York is using cameras with microphones to ticket loud cars (roadandtrack.com)
365 points by KoftaBob on Feb 16, 2022 | 454 comments
29. Facebook staff now to be known as “Metamates” (twitter.com/alexeheath)
270 points by thereare5lights on Feb 16, 2022 | 324 comments
30. Melody – a language that compiles to regular expressions (github.com/yoav-lavi)
143 points by losfair on Feb 16, 2022 | 36 comments

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