1. | | Reverse engineering guide for beginners: Methodology and tools (0x00sec.org) |
801 points by ingve on June 12, 2017 | 63 comments
2. | | Inkscape Moves to GitLab (inkscape.org) |
525 points by dabber on June 11, 2017 | 208 comments
3. | | Apple’s Guidelines Now Allow Executable Code in Educational Apps and Dev Tools (macstories.net) |
407 points by tempodox on June 12, 2017 | 253 comments
4. | | Chess.com stopped working on 32bit iPads because 2^31 games have been played (chess.com) |
757 points by NewGier on June 12, 2017 | 326 comments
5. | | #c0ffee is the color (c0ffee.surge.sh) |
783 points by pavel_lishin on June 12, 2017 | 121 comments
6. | | Dismantling a Million Tons of North Sea Oil Rigs (nytimes.com) |
127 points by tysone on June 12, 2017 | 88 comments
7. | | The Design and Use of QuickCheck (begriffs.com) |
147 points by begriffs on June 12, 2017 | 36 comments
8. | | Automattic is closing its San Francisco office as most employees work remotely (qz.com) |
533 points by nkjoep on June 12, 2017 | 300 comments
9. | | 16 Years with IPv6 (teamarin.net) |
119 points by okket on June 12, 2017 | 61 comments
10. | | Don't publicly expose .git (2015) (internetwache.org) |
156 points by g4k on June 11, 2017 | 86 comments
11. | | Benchmarking CNTK on Keras: Is It Better at Deep Learning Than TensorFlow? (minimaxir.com) |
131 points by minimaxir on June 12, 2017 | 27 comments
12. | | Canada's Tech Firms Capitalize On Immigration Anxiety (npr.org) |
160 points by agronaut on June 12, 2017 | 286 comments
13. | | History of Computing at Bell Labs (1997) (swtch.com) |
98 points by mpweiher on June 12, 2017 | 2 comments
14. | | Tagsistant: semantic filesystem for Linux (tagsistant.net) |
119 points by CarolineW on June 12, 2017 | 66 comments
15. | | Show HN: Keygen – A dead-simple software licensing API built for developers (keygen.sh) |
190 points by ezekg on June 12, 2017 | 90 comments
16. | | Forecasting at Uber with RNNs (uber.com) |
179 points by paladin314159 on June 11, 2017 | 28 comments
17. | | Signal intelligence 101: SIGINT targets (satelliteobservation.wordpress.com) |
182 points by vinnyglennon on June 11, 2017 | 9 comments
18. | | GUN 0.7.9 – 15M read/sec, 15K write/sec, 2K sync/sec MIT Licensed Graph Database (github.com/amark) |
142 points by marknadal on June 11, 2017 | 47 comments
19. | | Babies On Display: When a Hospital Couldn't Save Them, a Sideshow Did (2015) (npr.org) |
139 points by raldi on June 11, 2017 | 45 comments
20. | | Can Neural Networks Crack Sudoku? (github.com/kyubyong) |
141 points by kyubyong on June 12, 2017 | 105 comments
21. | | Reid Hoffman and Brian Chesky on Handcrafting and Scaling Airbnb [pdf] (mastersofscale.com) |
149 points by paladin314159 on June 12, 2017 | 16 comments
22. | | The Day I Played Bill Gates and Satya at Ping-Pong (capitalandgrowth.org) |
95 points by yinso on June 11, 2017 | 27 comments
23. | | Show HN: Kooba, an interactive graph for finding new books (jake.run) |
145 points by cloudbeary on June 12, 2017 | 46 comments
24. | | The Coming War on General Computation (2011) (opentranscripts.org) |
132 points by jacquesm on June 12, 2017 | 10 comments
25. | | Gopher-OS: A Proof of Concept OS Written in Go (github.com/achilleasa) |
172 points by ingve on June 12, 2017 | 82 comments
26. | | How 'OK' took over the world (2011) (bbc.com) |
125 points by mercer on June 11, 2017 | 99 comments
27. | | Mapping the Shadows of New York City (nytimes.com) |
129 points by baron816 on June 11, 2017 | 29 comments
28. | | ‘Low End’ Means Good Enough (lowendmac.com) |
106 points by protomyth on June 11, 2017 | 97 comments
29. | | Wartime Spies Who Used Knitting as an Espionage Tool (atlasobscura.com) |
66 points by artsandsci on June 12, 2017 | 12 comments
30. | | Some Thoughts on Our Business (2011) (lettersofnote.com) |
57 points by CalChris on June 12, 2017 | 4 comments
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