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Stories from February 9, 2020
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1. Ask HN: What's the best resource for learning modern x64 assembly?
492 points by ssklash on Feb 8, 2020 | 109 comments
2. Reasons not to become famous (tim.blog)
850 points by imgabe on Feb 9, 2020 | 408 comments
3. Building Firefox's Picture-in-Picture Support (hacks.mozilla.org)
339 points by primogen on Feb 9, 2020 | 124 comments
4. Dopamine and Temporal Difference Learning (deepmind.com)
285 points by magoghm on Feb 9, 2020 | 26 comments
5. Run your own high-end cloud gaming service on EC2 (2015) (lg.io)
279 points by tosh on Feb 9, 2020 | 194 comments
6. Trying to sneak in a sketchy .so over the weekend (rachelbythebay.com)
410 points by ingve on Feb 9, 2020 | 220 comments
7. Learning technical writing using the engineering method (2016) [pdf] (tufts.edu)
217 points by Tomte on Feb 9, 2020 | 7 comments
8. Stacked Borrows: An Aliasing Model for Rust (mpi-sws.org)
180 points by pjmlp on Feb 9, 2020 | 26 comments
9. One Hundred Ideas for Computing (samsquire.github.io)
171 points by saadalem on Feb 7, 2020 | 35 comments
10. Storm Ciara helps plane beat transatlantic flight record (bbc.com)
134 points by mpweiher on Feb 9, 2020 | 117 comments
11. Google's expansion plans show why Canada's tech boom is here to stay (cbc.ca)
180 points by rubayeet on Feb 9, 2020 | 253 comments
12. Flang: The Fortran frontend of LLVM [video] (fosdem.org)
135 points by pjmlp on Feb 9, 2020 | 96 comments
13. A moon landing in 2024? NASA says it'll happen (wclk.com)
146 points by zolpidem_dream on Feb 9, 2020 | 226 comments
14. Siggraph2019 Geometric Algebra (2019) [video] (youtube.com)
200 points by lelf on Feb 9, 2020 | 30 comments
15. How the JPL works to secure its missions from adversaries (techcrunch.com)
163 points by ajaviaad on Feb 9, 2020 | 35 comments
16. Who Did This? (2017) (etymonline.com)
213 points by dredmorbius on Feb 9, 2020 | 37 comments
17. Lessons learned from writing ShellCheck (vidarholen.net)
307 points by r4um on Feb 9, 2020 | 46 comments
18. Clang vs. other open-source compilers (llvm.org)
111 points by peter_d_sherman on Feb 9, 2020 | 51 comments
19. A hybrid thread / fiber task scheduler written in C++ 11 (github.com/google)
107 points by headlessclayton on Feb 9, 2020 | 33 comments
20. Contextualise: Manage your knowledge (github.com/brettkromkamp)
209 points by brettkromkamp on Feb 9, 2020 | 50 comments
21. How to play the guitar by ear, for mathematicians and physicists (2000) [pdf] (foundationwebsite.org)
149 points by lelf on Feb 8, 2020 | 45 comments
22. A half century ago, better transistors revolutionized computer power supplies (ieee.org)
112 points by kens on Feb 9, 2020 | 50 comments
23. How to reduce 'attention residue' (bbc.com)
133 points by lxm on Feb 7, 2020 | 30 comments
24. Rollerball pens that use fountain pen ink (unsharpen.com)
162 points by toymachine on Feb 9, 2020 | 110 comments
25. Single div Sierpinski triangle (yuanchuan.dev)
142 points by spirit23 on Feb 9, 2020 | 13 comments
26. Eiffel programming language (wikipedia.org)
109 points by modinfo on Feb 9, 2020 | 72 comments
27. Cotton Candy (2010) (cottoncandy.net)
109 points by lelf on Feb 8, 2020 | 37 comments
28. Living without a SIM card (habd.as)
319 points by jhabdas on Feb 9, 2020 | 281 comments
29. Blender GIS (github.com/domlysz)
240 points by ryannevius on Feb 9, 2020 | 46 comments
30. HyperCard: What Could Have Been (2002) (wired.com)
135 points by jacquesm on Feb 7, 2020 | 56 comments

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