1. | | Why the password "this is fun" is 10 times more secure than "J4fS!2" (baekdal.com) |
421 points by joshwa on April 15, 2011 | 170 comments
2. | | What was the code quality of the initial version of Google? (quora.com) |
295 points by mlinsey on April 15, 2011 | 73 comments
3. | | Living in the zone (jacquesmattheij.com) |
289 points by swombat on April 15, 2011 | 83 comments
4. | | The Lisp Curse (winestockwebdesign.com) |
268 points by winestock on April 15, 2011 | 151 comments
5. | | Screw you. Pay me. (venturebeat.com) |
248 points by privacyguru on April 15, 2011 | 86 comments
6. | | Ubuntu Unity usability testing results and analysis (ubuntu.com) |
249 points by keyist on April 15, 2011 | 115 comments
7. | | Former Google VP Kai-Fu Lee Got a Nickname, Start-Copy Lee (jyorr.com) |
202 points by rjyo on April 15, 2011 | 94 comments
8. | | A death sentence for a young Chinese businesswoman chills entrepreneurs (economist.com) |
171 points by kungfooey on April 15, 2011 | 70 comments
9. | | Why Leaves Really Fall Off Trees (npr.org) |
156 points by sajid on April 15, 2011 | 23 comments
10. | | Ask HN: How would you make a site resistant to government takedown? |
147 points by icey on April 15, 2011 | 57 comments
11. | | Researchers have successfully teleported wave packets of light (abc.net.au) |
134 points by Urgo on April 15, 2011 | 53 comments
12. | | Peacetime CEO/Wartime CEO (bhorowitz.com) |
115 points by salar on April 15, 2011 | 28 comments
13. | | Modern JavaScript (rebeccamurphey.com) |
116 points by telemachos on April 15, 2011 | 31 comments
14. | | This Tech Bubble Is Different (businessweek.com) |
104 points by turoczy on April 15, 2011 | 50 comments
15. | | ASCII Pronunciation Rules for Programmers [2008] (codinghorror.com) |
94 points by franze on April 15, 2011 | 87 comments
16. | | Cheating and the Honor System (ginandtacos.com) |
93 points by jtbigwoo on April 15, 2011 | 84 comments
17. | | Appointment Reminder at 6 Months (kalzumeus.com) |
92 points by revorad on April 15, 2011 | 60 comments
18. | | Inside Google's China misfortune (cnn.com) |
90 points by profitbaron on April 15, 2011 | 29 comments
19. | | Cutting that cord (daringfireball.net) |
82 points by threepointone on April 15, 2011 | 55 comments
20. | | The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List (stackoverflow.com) |
80 points by helwr on April 15, 2011 | 20 comments
21. | | Speculation on an Amazon iPad Competitor (marco.org) |
78 points by uptown on April 15, 2011 | 31 comments
22. | | The betrayal of Bntr (techcrunch.com) |
73 points by rokhayakebe on April 15, 2011 | 39 comments
23. | | Scraping the web with Node.io (coderholic.com) |
70 points by coderholic on April 15, 2011 | 10 comments
24. | | Introducing Gofix (golang.org) |
62 points by fogus on April 15, 2011 | 11 comments
25. | | Haskell Platform 2011.2.0.1 is out -- major improvements for Mac users (haskell.org) |
59 points by dons on April 15, 2011 | 16 comments
26. | | The Emacs 30 Day Challenge (mostlymaths.net) |
59 points by tomh on April 15, 2011 | 15 comments
27. | | Greplin’s Chrome Extension Now Makes Gmail Search Infinitely Better (techcrunch.com) |
55 points by ssclafani on April 15, 2011 | 41 comments
28. | | Case shiller 100 year chart (ritholtz.com) |
47 points by mikek on April 15, 2011 | 14 comments
29. | | Microsoft breaks own world record for IE nonsense (theregister.co.uk) |
43 points by Garbage on April 15, 2011 | 26 comments
30. | | Oracle to move OpenOffice.org to a Community-Based Project (marketwire.com) |
41 points by nikosdimopoulos on April 15, 2011 | 10 comments
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