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Stories from October 15, 2018
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1. M.I.T. Plans College for Artificial Intelligence, Backed by $1B (nytimes.com)
560 points by superfx on Oct 15, 2018 | 164 comments
2. Twilio to Acquire Sendgrid (twilio.com)
633 points by coloneltcb on Oct 15, 2018 | 184 comments
3. How I’ve Attracted the First 500 Paid Users for My SaaS (inkdrop.info)
925 points by spiffytech on Oct 15, 2018 | 135 comments
4. A True Story (wikipedia.org)
525 points by benbreen on Oct 15, 2018 | 72 comments
5. The highest paid workers in Silicon Valley are product managers (2016) (qz.com)
479 points by jxub on Oct 14, 2018 | 351 comments
6. Study shows massive insect loss (washingtonpost.com)
372 points by pgrote on Oct 15, 2018 | 198 comments
7. Survey of YC female founders on sexual harassment, coercion by angels and VCs (blog.ycombinator.com)
540 points by coloneltcb on Oct 15, 2018 | 435 comments
8. Removing Old Versions of TLS (blog.mozilla.org)
217 points by edmorley on Oct 15, 2018 | 91 comments
9. Ask HN: What are some of the best technical talks you've heard?
717 points by mirianbert on Oct 15, 2018 | 171 comments
10. How to Manage Connections Efficiently in Postgres, or Any Database (brandur.org)
265 points by bgentry on Oct 15, 2018 | 32 comments
11. Air pollution linked to “huge” reduction in intelligence (unenvironment.org)
444 points by crunchiebones on Oct 15, 2018 | 175 comments
12. A Framework for Intelligence and Cortical Function Based on Grid Cells (biorxiv.org)
125 points by doener on Oct 15, 2018 | 29 comments
13. RaptorJIT 1.0: Lua implementation for high-perf low-level system programming (github.com/raptorjit)
156 points by ingve on Oct 15, 2018 | 31 comments
14. Smart Home Surveillance: Governments Tell Google's Nest Hand Over Data (forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster)
178 points by edejong on Oct 14, 2018 | 79 comments
15. Alternative code styles (swalladge.id.au)
230 points by _7ffc on Oct 15, 2018 | 102 comments
16. HDMI Light V2: Open-Hardware FPGA-Based Clone of Philips Ambilight (2014) (esar.org.uk)
170 points by walterbell on Oct 15, 2018 | 33 comments
17. Grad Student Solved a Fundamental Quantum Computing Problem (wired.com)
186 points by eaguyhn on Oct 14, 2018 | 21 comments
18. SoftBank Gives Startups Billions of Reasons to Hold Off IPOs (wsj.com)
100 points by dsr12 on Oct 15, 2018 | 62 comments
19. Using /proc to get a process' current stack trace (ops.tips)
190 points by cirowrc on Oct 15, 2018 | 66 comments
20. Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work (2006) [pdf] (usc.edu)
122 points by eBombzor on Oct 15, 2018 | 50 comments
21. A Long Peek into Reinforcement Learning (lilianweng.github.io)
147 points by shry4ns on Oct 15, 2018 | 7 comments
22. Show HN: Physically Based Rendering – Online Edition (pbr-book.org)
297 points by wjakob on Oct 15, 2018 | 42 comments
23. Modernizing Transport Security (googleblog.com)
124 points by edmorley on Oct 15, 2018 | 37 comments
24. IPv6 breaks the 25% barrier (google.com)
289 points by AndrewDucker on Oct 15, 2018 | 137 comments
25. RISC-V: More Than a Core (semiengineering.com)
135 points by walterbell on Oct 15, 2018 | 34 comments
26. Former Groupon CEO Andrew Mason on what the roller-coaster ride felt like (nymag.com)
183 points by lxm on Oct 14, 2018 | 49 comments
27. Enabling Decentralized Private Computation (iacr.org)
119 points by petethomas on Oct 15, 2018 | 4 comments
28. Why Doctors Reject Tools That Make Their Jobs Easier (scientificamerican.com)
199 points by dsr12 on Oct 15, 2018 | 126 comments
29. Show HN: I Built a Metasearch Engine with React, Redux, Express and TypeScript (github.com/joshuascript)
79 points by _yljl on Oct 15, 2018 | 42 comments
30. A Look at Game Streaming Tech in the Browser (parsecgaming.com)
136 points by _wugy on Oct 15, 2018 | 68 comments

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