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Stories from January 12, 2017
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1. Georgia Tech Offers Online Master of Science in Analytics Degree for Under $10K (gatech.edu)
533 points by dgritsko on Jan 12, 2017 | 258 comments
2. The Risk of Discovery (paulgraham.com)
537 points by tyn on Jan 12, 2017 | 323 comments
3. Flickr – A Year Without a Byte (flickr.net)
527 points by el_duderino on Jan 12, 2017 | 153 comments
4. Crafting a high-performance TV user interface using React (netflix.com)
389 points by dustinmoris on Jan 12, 2017 | 190 comments
5. GCC is C++17 Complete (gcc.gnu.org)
459 points by gpderetta on Jan 12, 2017 | 116 comments
6. Why I switched from OS X to Linux (jeena.net)
472 points by jeena on Jan 12, 2017 | 458 comments
7. Streama – A self-hosted streaming application with your own media library (github.com/dularion)
374 points by GutenYe on Jan 12, 2017 | 158 comments
8. The Google Brain Team – Looking Back on 2016 (googleblog.com)
209 points by stablemap on Jan 12, 2017 | 61 comments
9. Mac Pro 2 Concept Design (pascaleggert.de)
381 points by milen on Jan 12, 2017 | 243 comments
10. China has wealth of data on what individuals are doing at a micro level (cbc.ca)
292 points by breitling on Jan 12, 2017 | 241 comments
11. Opera Neon concept browser (opera.com)
318 points by napolux on Jan 12, 2017 | 212 comments
12. Blender for Hackers – 3D modeling is just like using VIM (sam.today)
353 points by samtoday on Jan 12, 2017 | 103 comments
13. Using GPG to Encrypt Your Data (nasa.gov)
236 points by maxt on Jan 12, 2017 | 99 comments
14. Docker: insecure opening of file-descriptor allows privilege escalation (redhat.com)
161 points by emilburzo on Jan 12, 2017 | 22 comments
15. RISC-V port submitted for inclusion in GCC (gcc.gnu.org)
216 points by BuuQu9hu on Jan 12, 2017 | 63 comments
16. Mill Computing in 2017 (millcomputing.com)
230 points by reitzensteinm on Jan 12, 2017 | 141 comments
17. On the Impending Crypto Monoculture (2016) (lwn.net)
246 points by dankohn1 on Jan 12, 2017 | 69 comments
18. Announcing Remacs: Porting Emacs to Rust (wilfred.me.uk)
206 points by smg on Jan 11, 2017 | 89 comments
19. Time-saving technology destroys our productivity (spectator.co.uk)
187 points by chesterfield on Jan 12, 2017 | 149 comments
20. How Designers Engineer Luck into Video Games (nautil.us)
169 points by elorant on Jan 12, 2017 | 86 comments
21. Security Through Transparency (googleblog.com)
167 points by maxerickson on Jan 12, 2017 | 38 comments
22. Is Semantic Versioning an Anti-Pattern? (surfingthe.cloud)
160 points by srevenant on Jan 11, 2017 | 212 comments
23. New technique stores summer heat until it's needed in winter (newatlas.com)
164 points by devinp on Jan 12, 2017 | 115 comments
24. TensorFlow machine learning now optimized for the Snapdragon 835 and Hexagon 682 (qualcomm.com)
177 points by rahulchowdhury on Jan 12, 2017 | 56 comments
25. Africa 'witnessing birth of a new ocean' (2010) (bbc.com)
112 points by niccolop on Jan 11, 2017 | 62 comments
26. What lies beneath async/await in C#? (foreverframe.pl)
175 points by goorion on Jan 12, 2017 | 65 comments
27. Physicists ‘squeeze’ light to cool microscopic drum below quantum limit (sciencebulletin.org)
88 points by upen on Jan 12, 2017 | 27 comments
28. Life Lessons After 10 Years of BetterExplained.com (betterexplained.com)
210 points by jrheard on Jan 12, 2017 | 22 comments
29. Google AMP Cache, AMP Lite, and the Need for Speed (googleblog.com)
150 points by adwmayer on Jan 12, 2017 | 237 comments
30. Git Koans (2013) (stevelosh.com)
194 points by oxplot on Jan 12, 2017 | 50 comments

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