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Stories from August 9, 2012
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1. Coding Horror: I Was a Teenage Hacker (codinghorror.com)
460 points by Anon84 on Aug 9, 2012 | 119 comments
2. Google Keeps Paying Deceased Employees' Families for a Decade (theatlantic.com)
289 points by jbredeche on Aug 9, 2012 | 124 comments
3. Soviet Venus Images (mentallandscape.com)
284 points by wglb on Aug 9, 2012 | 51 comments
4. Nokia sells Qt to Digia (digia.com)
272 points by frax on Aug 9, 2012 | 66 comments
5. The effect of typefaces on credibility (nytimes.com)
252 points by gamzer on Aug 9, 2012 | 93 comments
6. Textmate 2 on Github (macromates.com)
247 points by wycats on Aug 9, 2012 | 8 comments
7. Yesterday, I Went to the American Idol for Startups. It Made Me Want to Die. (thestranger.com)
244 points by fixie on Aug 9, 2012 | 88 comments
8. JQuery 1.8 Released (jquery.com)
220 points by warp on Aug 9, 2012 | 40 comments
9. Show HN: App creates a meal plan that satisfies your nutrition constraints (eatthismuch.com)
185 points by bumbledraven on Aug 9, 2012 | 105 comments
10. Bitey: Import LLVM bitcode directly into Python (github.com/dabeaz)
177 points by mace on Aug 9, 2012 | 34 comments
11. Mars rover camera project manager explains 2MP camera choice (dpreview.com)
179 points by k33l0r on Aug 9, 2012 | 86 comments
12. Blizzard Network Breached; Change Your Battle.Net Passwords (kotaku.com)
164 points by evo_9 on Aug 9, 2012 | 156 comments
13. Instant splash pages for iOS apps (smore.com)
158 points by giladvdn on Aug 9, 2012 | 40 comments
14. Daring Fireball: App.net (daringfireball.net)
150 points by jazzychad on Aug 9, 2012 | 96 comments
15. MIT's Infinite Size CNC Router (alecrivers.com)
144 points by MCompeau on Aug 9, 2012 | 38 comments
16. Good News: Craigslist drops exclusive license to your posts (eff.org)
132 points by dredmorbius on Aug 9, 2012 | 49 comments
17. A living "brain" of cultured rat cells can control an F-22 flight simulator (discovery.com)
127 points by ruedaminute on Aug 9, 2012 | 70 comments
18. Show HN: Choose Photo. Make Ascii (dchang.mit.edu)
116 points by ananddass on Aug 9, 2012 | 32 comments
19. You Either Die A Hero Or You Become The Villain (massivegreatness.com)
113 points by rvcamo on Aug 9, 2012 | 78 comments
20. Amazon forces Unglue.it to Suspend Crowdfunding for Creative Commons eBooks (unglue.it)
107 points by PanMan on Aug 9, 2012 | 71 comments
21. The Launch Pad: Inside Y Combinator (amazon.com)
106 points by DanielRibeiro on Aug 9, 2012 | 33 comments
22. Anonymous donors bring Hollywood production values to anti-MPAA video (arstechnica.com)
104 points by gitarr on Aug 9, 2012 | 23 comments
23. Kaspersky Lab Discovers 'Gauss' (kaspersky.com)
104 points by sspencer on Aug 9, 2012 | 24 comments
24. Goodfilms Goes Mobile (goodfil.ms)
108 points by johnb on Aug 9, 2012 | 38 comments
25. Show HN: DailyCred: User Accounts as a Service (dailycred.com)
101 points by nostromo on Aug 9, 2012 | 62 comments
26. LibreOffice 3.6.0: behind the scenes (gnome.org)
98 points by unix-junkie on Aug 9, 2012 | 21 comments
27. Why I Quit My Job, Killed a Company in Six Weeks, And Still Feel Great (drtomallen.com)
95 points by Schwolop on Aug 9, 2012 | 49 comments
28. What happened to LendInk? The owner responds. (digitalmediamachine.com)
93 points by sp332 on Aug 9, 2012 | 78 comments
29. Congratulations: You Killed LendInk And Denied Fellow Authors Lend Royalties (aprillhamilton.blogspot.com)
93 points by sp332 on Aug 9, 2012 | 72 comments
30. Was Godaddy Caught Registering Domains Names After Availability Lookup? (billhartzer.com)
92 points by pier0 on Aug 9, 2012 | 93 comments

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