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Stories from September 29, 2015
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1. Two HN Announcements (blog.ycombinator.com)
698 points by tilt on Sept 29, 2015 | 284 comments
2. Google Nexus 5x and 6P (google.com)
495 points by tmlee on Sept 29, 2015 | 550 comments
3. Amazon Flex (amazon.com)
593 points by adrow on Sept 29, 2015 | 461 comments
4. New Chromecast 2015 (store.google.com)
372 points by fumar on Sept 29, 2015 | 251 comments
5. Evernote cuts 47 employees and shuts down 3 offices (evernote.com)
412 points by jasondc on Sept 29, 2015 | 448 comments
6. Alex King, an original Wordpress developer, has died (poststatus.com)
339 points by a5seo on Sept 29, 2015 | 37 comments
7. Doing an HD Remake the Right Way (fortressofdoors.com)
254 points by smacktoward on Sept 29, 2015 | 29 comments
8. How We Uncovered the Real Identity Behind “Startup L. Jackson” (syrah.co)
238 points by dshankar on Sept 29, 2015 | 98 comments
9. Servo WebRender Overview (github.com/glennw)
191 points by dumindunuwan on Sept 29, 2015 | 47 comments
10. Let a thousand flowers bloom, then rip 999 of them out (gigamonkeys.com)
231 points by logic on Sept 29, 2015 | 122 comments
11. Redox: A Rust Operating System (github.com/jackpot51)
194 points by mfincham on Sept 29, 2015 | 51 comments
12. Apparatus: graphics editor and programming environment for interactive diagrams (aprt.us)
133 points by jarmitage on Sept 28, 2015 | 14 comments
13. Negative effects of driving and living near traffic (qz.com)
85 points by blondie9x on Sept 29, 2015 | 38 comments
14. Apple’s approach to privacy (apple.com)
276 points by braythwayt on Sept 29, 2015 | 164 comments
15. BBC iPlayer begins to trial HTML5 player (bbc.co.uk)
138 points by jayflux on Sept 29, 2015 | 84 comments
16. Thoughts on RethinkDB and GraphQL (github.com/rethinkdb)
112 points by rayshan on Sept 29, 2015 | 31 comments
17. LALRPOP, an LR(1) parser generator for Rust (smallcultfollowing.com)
130 points by brson on Sept 29, 2015 | 26 comments
18. Surprises in GopherJS Performance (gopherjs.org)
168 points by eatonphil on Sept 29, 2015 | 28 comments
19. Shell stops Arctic activity after 'disappointing' tests (bbc.co.uk)
44 points by ComputerGuru on Sept 28, 2015 | 46 comments
20. MathBox 2: PowerPoint Must Die (acko.net)
192 points by antimuon on Sept 28, 2015 | 42 comments
21. Basic Block Versioning – My Best Result Yet (pointersgonewild.com)
75 points by dmit on Sept 29, 2015 | 7 comments
22. Musk Says Tesla Cars Will Go 620 Miles per Charge in 2 Years, Autonomous in 3 (youtube.com)
220 points by adenadel on Sept 29, 2015 | 219 comments
23. The Real Price of Oil (ieee.org)
50 points by davidiach on Sept 29, 2015 | 37 comments
24. Tongan Shell Game: How Apple and Google File Trademarks in Secret (altlegal.com)
59 points by nehalm on Sept 29, 2015 | 14 comments
25. Tontines may make sense despite their history of disrepute (washingtonpost.com)
67 points by lisper on Sept 29, 2015 | 73 comments
26. Functional-navigational programming in Clojure with Specter (nathanmarz.com)
105 points by dantiberian on Sept 29, 2015 | 33 comments
27. OS X 10.11 El Capitan: Review (arstechnica.com)
144 points by danso on Sept 29, 2015 | 127 comments
28. Latest Snowden Doc Shows NSA Spied on German Intelligence (spiegel.de)
155 points by jdimov9 on Sept 29, 2015 | 152 comments
29. US Court of Appeals Takes on Ridesharing in Aviation (flytenow.com)
56 points by voska on Sept 29, 2015 | 43 comments
30. Darpa is testing implanting chips in soldiers’ brains (fusion.net)
70 points by jacquesm on Sept 29, 2015 | 45 comments

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