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Stories from August 28, 2024
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1. Diffusion models are real-time game engines (gamengen.github.io)
1149 points by jmorgan 55 days ago | 409 comments
2. Maker Skill Trees (github.com/sjpiper145)
478 points by saulpw 55 days ago | 104 comments
3. Window Maker: X11 window manager with the look and feel of the NeXTSTEP UI (windowmaker.org)
262 points by lnyan 55 days ago | 135 comments
4. The Monospace Web (owickstrom.github.io)
612 points by mrunseen 56 days ago | 153 comments
5. A dishwasher can make or break a restaurant (2017) (washingtonpost.com)
276 points by mhb 57 days ago | 481 comments
6. Formal CHERI: design-time proof of full-scale architecture security properties (2022) (lightbluetouchpaper.org)
109 points by fanf2 55 days ago | 47 comments
7. Typing lists and tuples in Elixir (elixir-lang.org)
231 points by idmitrievsky 55 days ago | 52 comments
8. The journey of an internet packet: Exploring networks with traceroute (sebastianmarines.com)
319 points by marinesebastian 60 days ago | 107 comments
9. ChartDB – Free and open source, database design editor (chartdb.io)
259 points by nikolay 56 days ago | 38 comments
10. Show HN: IPA, a GUI for exploring inner details of PDFs (github.com/seekbytes)
270 points by nicolodev 55 days ago | 51 comments
11. Panasonic Toughbook 40 (panasonic.com)
212 points by fidotron 55 days ago | 191 comments
12. Scaling Rails and Postgres to millions of users at Microsoft (stepchange.work)
202 points by htormey 55 days ago | 91 comments
13. The Future of TLA+ [pdf] (lamport.azurewebsites.net)
195 points by tkhattra 55 days ago | 105 comments
14. Tesla’s TTPoE at Hot Chips 2024: Replacing TCP for Low Latency Applications (chipsandcheese.com)
172 points by ksec 55 days ago | 91 comments
15. COSMIC Alpha Released (system76.com)
272 points by fisian 55 days ago | 206 comments
16. Twenty Years of Valgrind (2022) (nnethercote.github.io)
223 points by fanf2 55 days ago | 60 comments
17. Rerun: Visualize Multimodal Data over Time (rerun.io)
152 points by KolmogorovComp 57 days ago | 40 comments
18. The 4-chan Go programmer (dolthub.com)
288 points by ingve 55 days ago | 172 comments
19. Boxxy puts bad Linux applications in a box with only their files (github.com/queer)
182 points by icar 55 days ago | 98 comments
20. High-temperature Gibbs states are unentangled and efficiently preparable (arxiv.org)
80 points by KolenCh 55 days ago | 33 comments
21. Knockknock: Simple, secure, and stealthy port knocking implementation (2012) (github.com/moxie0)
90 points by Bluestein 59 days ago | 82 comments
22. Companies Lobby Against Giving the Military the Right to Repair (404media.co)
234 points by worik 55 days ago | 114 comments
23. Wp2hugo: Best WordPress to Hugo migrator (written in Go) (github.com/ashishb)
106 points by todsacerdoti 55 days ago | 50 comments
24. Covid-19 Intranasal Vaccine (griffith.edu.au)
196 points by stubish 55 days ago | 223 comments
25. Judge dismisses majority of GitHub Copilot copyright claims (developer-tech.com)
241 points by thunderbong 55 days ago | 344 comments
26. Cleaning up after WWII (2017) (wwiiafterwwii.wordpress.com)
95 points by dredmorbius 57 days ago | 24 comments
27. A Weekend at the Immersion Larp Festival (mssv.net)
69 points by adrianhon 58 days ago | 18 comments
28. If Your World Is Not Enchanted, You're Not Paying Attention (theconvivialsociety.substack.com)
156 points by passwordoops 58 days ago | 120 comments
29. "Everything" is a filename search engine for Windows (voidtools.com)
177 points by Bluestein 59 days ago | 101 comments
30. Marine worms made at least some trace fossil burrows called Bifungites (nytimes.com)
41 points by Petiver 58 days ago | 13 comments

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