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Stories from November 23, 2009
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1. My 8 hour journey to a single character (lbrandy.com)
176 points by lbrandy on Nov 23, 2009 | 40 comments
2. PPK: "Apple is not evil. iPhone developers are stupid." (quirksmode.org)
169 points by samstokes on Nov 23, 2009 | 77 comments
3. Can I talk to that William fellow? He was so helpful. (msdn.com)
153 points by cabacon on Nov 23, 2009 | 18 comments
4. Negative Cashback from Microsoft's Bing Cashback (bountii.com)
117 points by jpuskarich on Nov 23, 2009 | 28 comments
5. Re: What You Can't Say (paulgraham.com)
95 points by kf on Nov 23, 2009 | 143 comments
6. Relational databases performed a task that didn't need doing (1991) (pipeline.com)
91 points by blasdel on Nov 23, 2009 | 49 comments
7. Has Bell Invented a "Telegraph Killer"? (mcsweeneys.net)
88 points by blasdel on Nov 23, 2009 | 8 comments
8. Sparkfun giving away $100 per person in free electronics+S/H on 1/7/10 (sparkfun.com)
86 points by arfrank on Nov 23, 2009 | 19 comments
9. Ask HN: How do I regain my attention span?
82 points by sli on Nov 23, 2009 | 53 comments
10. How To Price Software Without Just Rolling The Dice (onstartups.com)
65 points by dshah on Nov 23, 2009 | 10 comments
11. Let pedestrians define the walkways (sivers.org)
60 points by sivers on Nov 23, 2009 | 24 comments
12. There is a certain inevitability to life. (zefrank.com)
59 points by winter_blue on Nov 23, 2009 | 33 comments
13. Feds: Top e-tailers profit from billion-dollar Web scam (cnet.com)
59 points by geuis on Nov 23, 2009 | 29 comments
14. Notes about Go (bitbucket.org/fusiongyro)
57 points by bdr on Nov 23, 2009 | 14 comments
15. Startup Heroku (YC W08) Now Hosting 40,000+ Apps (gigaom.com)
54 points by hshah on Nov 23, 2009 | 21 comments
16. I’m a bot (handrooster.com)
51 points by infinity on Nov 23, 2009 | 23 comments
17. What a Monad is not (haskell.org)
49 points by fogus on Nov 23, 2009 | 24 comments
18. TechStars Boston Moves to Spring, Apps Open Now (techstars.org)
48 points by andrewhyde on Nov 23, 2009 | 4 comments
19. How To Create a Conference Call in 3 Lines of Code (twilio.com)
45 points by danielle17 on Nov 23, 2009 | 15 comments
20. Ask HN: Review my jQuery Plugin (jQSlickWrap) (jwf.us)
43 points by JasonWyatt on Nov 23, 2009 | 11 comments
21. Researcher's labour of love leads to MS breakthrough (theglobeandmail.com)
40 points by benzim on Nov 23, 2009 | 21 comments
22. Comments in ClimateGate source code: unambiguous smoking gun (wattsupwiththat.com)
38 points by asciilifeform on Nov 23, 2009 | 36 comments
23. Smoking may void Applecare Warranty (appleinsider.com)
37 points by anderzole on Nov 23, 2009 | 15 comments
24. Vidly Teams Up With Chamillionaire (techcrunch.com)
36 points by ed on Nov 23, 2009 | 17 comments
25. LHC produces first collisions (nytimes.com)
32 points by andres on Nov 23, 2009 | 21 comments
26. Stripes: A Conceptual Operating System User Interface (ignorethecode.net)
29 points by vluft on Nov 23, 2009 | 10 comments
27. Bing considers paying sites to delist themselves from Google (marketwatch.com)
28 points by vaksel on Nov 23, 2009 | 39 comments
28. Freakonomics: Why California’s Tuition Hike Might Be a Good Thing (nytimes.com)
27 points by cwan on Nov 23, 2009 | 26 comments
29. Steve Blank talks to entrepreneurs about the customer development process (marketing.fm)
27 points by EGF on Nov 23, 2009 | 2 comments
30. Apple's Schiller Defends iPhone App Approval Process (businessweek.com)
27 points by billclerico on Nov 23, 2009 | 14 comments

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