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I wanted an ebook reader so I looked around and bought a Kobo Forma. It's great. No ads that I've noticed, I can load whatever I want onto it.

As I understand it, Kindle is locked to Amazon. I don't know why anyone would pay for that, especially if it also shows ads.

You know what Glenn Jones (American guitarist), Talisk (Scottish folk), Tonbruket (Swedish jazz), Daniel Herskedal (Norwegian jazz, tuba), The Books (New York, sound collage), Yom (French klezmer clarinetist), Kongero (Swedish folk a cappella), and Naragonia (Belgian accordion folk) have in common?

That 1. I supported them on Bandcamp 2. I would never have found them if it wasn't for Spotify's discover weekly.

I could list a lot more artists for which this is true. It's not even counting the ones I found indirectly.

This is maybe something artists should be aware of when they think they get such a good deal from Bandcamp and such a bad deal from Spotify. It's not as simple as that. I'm sure it's true that most people who promise you "exposure" are trying to exploit you, but that doesn't mean you can ignore how you actually got in front of the audience you have.

We Live by The Miranda Brothers, and Eve by Victor Lavalle might meet your needs.

I have that same one. I've had it for years and years.

Here's a message for your future self: that printer has a very important, very small piece of plastic inside it that occasionally breaks and it won't grab paper internally. The part number is LY2579001 and here's how to replace it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcZ5gF0t7Kc

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