• love C
• love Rust
• salivate at the idea of running large scale distributed compute on bare metal (no Linux)
• enjoy zero/bounded-allocation programming
• create highly reliable, near performance-optimal software that does the least amount of work for a given task
• despise the prevailing big data stack (Spark, Hadoop, Java) and can cogently explain why it's so painful to use
• are undogmatic - skeptical of new viewpoints but can readily admit when they're wrong
• have been programming obsessively from an early age
• have "hacker" backgrounds (3 of our team have grey-ish hat backgrounds, including writing the first bootsector virus before viruses were illegal!)
• have experience writing on top of paravirtualisation APIs
Our team spans the gamut, from systems to distributed systems, with a mix of interesting backgrounds. Salary >= £50k plus early employee equity.
• love C
• love Rust
• salivate at the idea of running large scale distributed compute on bare metal (no Linux)
• enjoy zero/bounded-allocation programming
• create highly reliable, near performance-optimal software that does the least amount of work for a given task
• despise the prevailing big data stack (Spark, Hadoop, Java) and can cogently explain why it's so painful to use
• are undogmatic - skeptical of new viewpoints but can readily admit when they're wrong
• have been programming obsessively from an early age
• have "hacker" backgrounds (3 of our team have grey-ish hat backgrounds, including writing the first bootsector virus before viruses were illegal!)
• have experience writing on top of paravirtualisation APIs
Our team spans the gamut, from systems to distributed systems, with a mix of interesting backgrounds. Salary >= £50k plus early employee equity.