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1. Building a data compression utility in Haskell using Huffman codes (lazamar.github.io)
33 points by lazamar 2 hours ago | hide | 3 comments
2. Sans-IO: The secret to effective Rust for network services (firezone.dev)
59 points by wh33zle 4 hours ago | hide | 21 comments
3. Should this be a map or 500 maps? (escapethealgorithm.substack.com)
50 points by cromulent 4 hours ago | hide | 5 comments
4. Show HN: Xcapture-BPF – like Linux top, but with Xray vision (0x.tools)
234 points by tanelpoder 10 hours ago | hide | 26 comments
5. Beating NumPy matrix multiplication in 150 lines of C (salykova.github.io)
159 points by p1esk 9 hours ago | hide | 20 comments
6. The Joy of Reading Books You Don't Understand (reactormag.com)
171 points by speckx 9 hours ago | hide | 82 comments
7. The Origins of DS_store (2006) (arno.org)
251 points by edavis 9 hours ago | hide | 134 comments
8. Shipt's Algorithm Squeezed Gig Workers. They Fought Back (ieee.org)
27 points by cyberlimerence 3 hours ago | hide | 2 comments
9. Diffusion Forcing: Next-Token Prediction Meets Full-Sequence Diffusion (boyuan.space)
29 points by magoghm 4 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
10. Katharine Way, John Wheeler, and the Dawn of Nuclear Fission (amphilsoc.org)
3 points by drdee 1 hour ago | hide | discuss
11. The Sphere (mssv.net)
54 points by adrianhon 6 hours ago | hide | 16 comments
12. Well-known paradox of R-squared is still buggin me (columbia.edu)
30 points by luu 6 hours ago | hide | 17 comments
13. A practical introduction to constraint programming using CP-SAT and Python (pganalyze.com)
184 points by lfittl 14 hours ago | hide | 26 comments
14. The saddest "Just Ship It" story ever (2020) (kitze.io)
130 points by thunderbong 3 hours ago | hide | 107 comments
15. The History of Machine Learning in Trackmania (hallofdreams.org)
72 points by Philpax 8 hours ago | hide | 8 comments
16. Engine Sound Simulator (markeasting.github.io)
221 points by hyperific 16 hours ago | hide | 87 comments
17. The Cheapest NAS (sigwait.org)
200 points by henry_flower 14 hours ago | hide | 203 comments
18. Diving into deep learning: Understanding Deep Learning book review [pdf] (github.com/udlbook)
35 points by teleforce 8 hours ago | hide | 3 comments
19. Architectural cross-section of Kowloon Walled City (cohost.org)
188 points by hampelm 18 hours ago | hide | 54 comments
20. Luakit: A fast, extensible, and customizable web browser (luakit.github.io)
136 points by thunderbong 13 hours ago | hide | 14 comments
21. Do not taunt happy fun branch predictor (2023) (mattkeeter.com)
240 points by fanf2 16 hours ago | hide | 110 comments
22. Making a Linux-managed network switch (brixit.nl)
173 points by _Microft 16 hours ago | hide | 34 comments
23. Introduction to Program Synthesis (csail.mit.edu)
46 points by squircle 7 hours ago | hide | 19 comments
24. Man-Computer Symbiosis (1960) (csail.mit.edu)
125 points by davedx 17 hours ago | hide | 43 comments
25. Show HN: Sonatino – small audio dev board based on ESP32-S3
33 points by sonatino 7 hours ago | hide | 21 comments
26. Wcurl: a curl wrapper to download files (samueloph.dev)
66 points by todsacerdoti 11 hours ago | hide | 29 comments
27. AI's $600B Question (sequoiacap.com)
294 points by fh973 11 hours ago | hide | 411 comments
28. Advice to Young Mathematicians [video] (youtube.com)
73 points by Anon84 16 hours ago | hide | 15 comments
29. A Git story: Not so fun this time (brachiosoft.com)
372 points by thunderbong 1 day ago | hide | 85 comments
30. Show HN: Jb / json.bash – Command-line tool (and bash library) that creates JSON (github.com/h4l)
138 points by h4l 17 hours ago | hide | 47 comments

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