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Make sure you're on the latest BIOS as many improvements have been made since early AM5.

Anecdata: I just bought a used AM5 mobo and threw in this memory kit CMK64GX5M2B6400C32; hitting 6400 was as simple as turning on XMP and that's it.

Which legal jurisdictions are you familiar with? Serbian? European? US?

Thanks everyone for the advice.

No one has chimed in about some "magic words/phrasing" I need to use.

Like I mentioned, it seems like the rep will escalate it to another refund department if I say something in a particular way.

Providing user UI flexibility is never a "problem".

Obviously there is a tradeoff - there is always a tradeoff in software.

Having just gone through a re-design, our team's tradeoff was how much time to spend tweaking media-queries/screen-size responsivity for the countless permutations of device-resolutions & dpis vs just picking a handful of density-levels.

launch Windows Terminal -> winget install voidtools.Everything

if you're on windows and haven't discovered the newest Terminal experience nor winget, you're welcome

This is finally the Windows experience that developers wanted. I thought that OneGet (PackageManagement) was going to be the way almost a decade ago, but that fizzled out. The guy that wrote that one seems to be totally on board with this though: https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/discussions/186.

I think that the guy that wrote OneGet had it mostly right, but it seems (as a layman who knows nothing about Microsoft) that he simply did not have the political power to make it actually get picked up by the higher ups at Microsoft and that someone else did which is why it took an extra half-decade to actually happen.

I do wonder what would have happened in my career had OneGet actually taken off . Previously I used to work exclusively on Windows, and I now work exclusively on non-Windows machines. At the time that I switched developer experience was one of my primary frustrations - and lack of a proper Homebrew/apt/yum like experience on Windows was a non-insignificant part of that. Chocolatey was OK at the time, but paled in comparison to its MacOS and Linux equivalents.

Is it different/better than choco?

ditto. just cancelled my monthly $ubscription too

I'd start polishing up that resume.

I was responsible for roughly a dozen Signal converts. They will all be uninstalling when this takes effect. It seems like everyone else in this thread is saying the same.

Prepare for a mass exodus of users.

None of us want to be responsible for training/tech support for how to use 2 messaging apps for non-technical users

The complete lack of awareness of this decision is astounding, the userbase is about to disappear. Those of us that convinced non-technical friends and family to use Signal are now expected to explain to them how to juggle 2 messaging apps? yeah it's not happening, the uninstall rate is going to be huge and there will be no recovery of those users

I have nothing new to add other than to simply parrot what has been said a few hundred times above.

This is a terrible decision.

It took significant effort to convert close friends and family to signal and was only palatable due to it becoming the default messaging app on Android.

Not only will I be likely to field a ton of tech support once this occurs, I'll also likely need to recommend a completely different app.

Looks like I might just bite the bullet and buy iPhones for my immediate family (without icloud imessage backup)

The neighbor has a catalog of audio recordings of conversations had on the porch 24/7.

Does this school have traffic 24/7 and do you broadcast everything from your front steps via a megaphone (and keep recordings)?

There are many comments here about video/audio recordings from public onto private property however there are various degrees of recording.

If there was a public park across the street from your house and someone setup surveillance-level equipment pointed at your front door, I'm not sure there is a rational judge who would consider this "oh well, they're on public land, nothing we can do here".

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