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> worth more than 50-100 bucks

Maybe in the US but not worldwide.

Yeah was gonna post this. Not sure if is updated enough but it's worth reading the Borg paper https://research.google/pubs/pub43438/

He lives in Alabama

You can think of DL as a model to explore huge solution spaces, is clearly not the only one but looking at things with some models sometimes makes much more sense and DL has been extremely useful. Is true than real neurons and artificial ones are different but "both are systems that perform complex tasks via the updating of weights within an astronomically large parameter space.". The brain is clearly not using the same mechanisms but it probably have some of the same problems and looking it from a DL perspective (that we understand better than the brain) could help us understand it better.

What happened to the US Apple/Google app?

Apple and Google are just providing APIs.

It up to countries and states to build apps on those APIs.

The API is supposed to be available once 13.5 goes live (and it is available in public beta now, I believe). Here is a list of states who are participating with compatible apps: https://9to5mac.com/2020/05/21/covid-19-exposure-notificatio...

TL;DR: Hardly any.

Edit: Whoops, I am out of date, I thought 13.5 was not out yet! Apparently it is, and then some.

From the link above:

> To implement its contact tracing functionality, Immuni leverages the Apple and Google Exposure Notification framework (see Apple’s documentation and Google’s documentation). This allows Immuni to overcome certain technical limitations, thus being more reliable than otherwise would be possible.

13.5 went live on May 20. They just released 13.5.1 yesterday to patch the unc0ver jailbreak.


Ah my bad, thanks for the correction. I'm still at 13.4 and I haven't been overtly refusing upgrade notifications, so I thought it hadn't been released yet.


How private jets affects public transportation?

Because for people flying private jets and who actually can make the difference like the one described in the article, public transportation world is non existent.

The best you can hope for is that they can look at the spreadsheet and subtract costs from revenue.

(I don't think it is wrong)

I really like this reddit post about this topic: Most of What You Read on the Internet is Written by Insane People https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/9rvroo/most...

I wish there was a similar analysis for comments left on boards like this one and reddit (which I left earlier this year because the website just isn't what it used to be).

Although, I would say it's an interesting take on Amazon reviews. A place not many people believe could be as popping as it is.

His assessment in the Tesla report:

"As a result of this examination, it is my considered opinion that there exist among Dr. Tesla's papers and possessions no scientific notes, descriptions of hitherto unrevealed methods of devices, or actual apparatus which could be of significant value to this country or which would constitute a hazard in unfriendly hands. I can therefore see no technical or military reason why further custody of the property should be retained."

>"Nothing to see here folks... Move along now, Citizen..."

Is how I read that.

Of course there wasa lot of foundational work that Tesla had which would be of interest. Especially given the fact that very few engineers/people of the time were of his ilk...

Thus it would be of great import to have his work studied by others... and obfuscation and secrecy were the modus of the day.

I fully believe that Tesla had things which have benefited those who took his belongings upon death.

It’s literally the opposite of that. There’s nothing new therefore the entire thing should be released to the public.

Survivorship bias

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