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>For many of us a dearly loved date has already been selected, which makes our estimation efforts really interesting as we endeavor to shove more and more "stuff" into that bag.

I've always wondered why we are asked to re-estimate with smaller estimates after the first round. The end result is always the same, either the scope is reduced or the date slips. Bothering with all that estimation work seems to be a pointless waste.

I couldn't help but think of Steve Jobs take on consultants when reading this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c4CNB80SRc&t=10s

"How many of you are from consulting? Oh that's bad. You should do something.

No seriously, I don't think there nothing inherently evil in consulting, I think that without owning something over an extended period of time, like a few years, where one to take responsibility for one's recommendations, where one has to see one's recommendations through all action states and accumulate scar tissue for those mistakes and to pick oneself up off the ground and dust oneself off, one learns a fraction of what one can.

Coming in and making recommendations and not owning the results, not owning the implementation I think is a fraction of the value and a fraction of the opportunity to learn and get better.

You do get a broad cut at companies but it's very thin, it's like a picture of a banana, you might get a very accurate picture but it's only 2 dimensions, and without the experience of actually doing it you never get 3 dimensional, so you might have a lot of pictures on your walls, you can show it off to your friends, I've worked in bananas, I've worked in peaches, I've worked in grapes, but you never really taste it, that is what I think."

Perhaps that was an advice for a different time and for a specific audience (MIT graduates can expect favouritism). Cannot see how spending a few years developing a tiny slice of some UI at Apple 2021 would make your experience "three-dimensional".

I think the more people we educate on critical thinking, the less effective click bait will be.

Today though, if a used car salesman has some truly great cars that people really need but nobody buys them because Donald down the street is pulling people in to buy lemons with bald faced lies...well, that's sort of the conundrum we find ourselves in, isn't it?

The core issue isn't education, but that as a user you have little to no control over the recommendation system and the rest of the Youtube experience. So even if you hate clickbait and want to get rid of it, there is nothing that you can do to make it disappear from your Youtube. Google fully controls what you get to see and they don't care if you feel happy or educated from watching videos, they only care that you keep watching so that they can show you ads.

To have any hope of fixing this we'd need to separate the curation of content from the hosting of content.

I wouldn't invest anytime soon. Intel is so focused on making every single foundry workflow identical that they lose the flexibility that is more and more sought after these days.

It is kind of crazy how Intel's strength has turned into such a weakness. Qualcomm will eventually figure out that Intel is way too inflexible execute on their business.

Stick to mass production Intel, it's what you are OK at.

I worked at a company that started this yearly employee survey to measure things like engagement. We knew how to game the survey right away, making sure the first survey had low scores so there would be an MBO to improve the scores, and budget for things like go-karts, etc. Sure enough, the MBO came and the next year we improved the scores. We knocked that MBO out of the park 4 out of 5 years. The outlier was the year where we had two extra rounds of layoffs, so we got a pass for that one.

Facebook is just another form of change, just like other change we've adapted to in human history.

Deleting things like Facebook is a good way to get left far behind in the digital revolution we find ourselves amidst.

Regulate Facebook, root out and shutdown anonymous actors weaponizing Facebook. This can all be accomplished with political action.

We have a government, let's use it.

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