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This guy posted it to his google+ page, without crediting original author. Let's make sure we +1 it so his friends know where his great ideas come from:


I think the point here is that this Teenager thinks that the punishment for not handing over the password can't be as long as the punishment for proving a crime using the evidence stored on his harddrive. I didn't go to the link, but from what I remember, he's accused of possessing child porn. In US, it would be as easy as saying, I've been under so much duress because of all this, that I forgot what the key is and where I kept it. I mean, they can't keep him locked up forever, right.

And that's the magic phrase right there. Along with "Terrorism", "Drugs" and "Rape", "Child Porn" is a bogeyman which many people feel justifies a reduction in rights of a serious nature.

Are they right? Well, that's not something I'm going to speculate on, but I believe the judicial system will push as hard as people expect/will permit them too. If the encrypted data was stolen e-books, I doubt they'd be so very harsh.

I think it's bollucks, however. I think you should have no punishment for refusing to help convict yourself, regardless of what you may have done.

That's retarded thinking. School is cool, are you telling me that you would have been better off without any schooling? Think of all the habitual class cutters, and delinquents in your class in high school, (I'm sure there were plenty in all schools.) Sure, they may have jobs, but working at fast-food or cleaning places when you are 30yrs, 40yrs or 50yrs old isn't very attractive. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with working at these places if you have no choice. My parents worked at these places, because they were new to this country, and their options were truly limited. I know for a fact they would be hurt/disappointed if I didn't learn from their situations.

Sending you to school was not bad advice. Are you saying that you wouldn't tell that to your kids? What would you say to your kids? How do you want to approach this? At some point, you need to take responsibility for your actions. I'm not happy where I am now, but I don't blame anyone else for it. I made choices, and I will continue to improve myself, because after all what is the alternative? Give up?

I don't want to rain on your parade here, but the story of stranded African American woman (Mrs. Nat cole king) is a myth or work for fiction. Just because of that, your other 4 stories have lost credibility as well. The important thing is to treat people as you want to be treated. Don't use incorrect or made up stories, because in the end it has the same effect as if you lied to people about having cancer to get their sympathies and money from them. People get tired of being taken advantage of, and they start to question everything and in the end become mean spirited because they think every one is lying to them, and they have to keep their guard up. Cynical, is what they become. This post only has entertainment value, just like reading a magazine article which may be a work of fiction.

While I realize your intentions, this is not the right way to go about it.


I think he's thinking right. He's a business guy, but realizes that he needs to have some control over his product. Even if he gets someone else to write his app, he'll still be able to follow the code if he knows the language a bit. Who knows, maybe he'll like java and writing code that he'll become a coder who like business. There are too many languages out there, my philosophy is to pick one and get working. There are too many people who will pick faults in anything and everything you pick. Hard part is making a decision...now the next hard part is following thru with your commitment. I'm picking up Java right now, I find the Dietel Java: How to program 7e pretty good text. Very wordy, but that means it explains the concepts very well. Of course, I find myself skipping over the commentary unless I don't quite understand a concept. Either way, Good luck to you.


This is a hillarious post. An officer's job is more than push people around and show their powers over the rest of us. Imagine for a second that you are the officer instead. Your job may be to get certain information and determine if person may be hiding something. She asked you a question, not because she'll forward the details of your business trip to your competitor. Of course you could lie to her and she won't know or care any different. Her job is to guage whether you seem nervous, or deceptive. That's one way for them to figure out a. if you might be dangerous, or hiding something in your luggage like Drugs, weapons, bombs, rare endangered,illegal animals etc. We blamed a lot of these people for letting 9/11 hijackers in the US and on the planes on 9/11/2001, but idiots like yourself are making their jobs are lot harder. Believe it or not, no one can make a machine that can detect a terrorist or someone that is up to no good 100% of the time. Its human interaction that prevents such events, and only that. If every moron like yourself gives these officers a hard time, and they have to check EVERY bag, it would be impossible to do so. Chances are someone that deserves more attention, oh I don't know someone like a fucking terrorist, will slip by. You and most idiots that are giving you kudos in the comments are making things a lot worse. Just because you can be a dick, doesn't mean you should. There are a lot of things you can do legally to your wife and loved ones...but I bet you don't. Maybe treating police officers and customs officers and airport personnel with some respect, understanding why they might do things a certain way, would help us all.

I hope EVERYBODY treats you like shit, legally, and because they CAN, and let's see you complain about how tough your fucking job is, numbnuts!

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