Yes it is. I wondered whether the HN community would be bothered by that, and ultimately concluded that the community seems to enjoy seeing new product announcements, etc.
Also, I did a google search to see if Copy had been announced on HN yet, and it hadn't, so I felt that while I was going to prosper from providing the info, I was also contributing more signal than noise to the HN community.
This is insanely spot-on. It's almost like up until the moment you start diving into programming you've lived your life without this whole lexicon that you've got to learn–well, not almost, actually. There's just the unknown. Oh, debugging is what you call "fixing a problem that the console yells about"? There's a difference between an instance and a static method? I don't have to wear pants while I do this? I'm sure we all can admit we learn new things, new concepts, every day too–once the box is open it's like it never shuts. At least if you've got the drive to learn, then you'll never have to worry about stopping.
With the way that infinite scroll currently works, I could effectively DDOS, or at least slow down the instance of Monocle I am interfacing with by just scrolling down, and once I got the first story just scroll up and down endlessly. I'm looking at Chrome Developer Tools' Network tab right now[1] and it seems you're sending a bunch of "ignore" fields in a POST request, and from that I gather that the farther down I go, the larger the POSTs get. So, at the very bottom, I'm sending a ton of huge POST requests. Point-being, this is probably not a good thing.
I don't believe, nor anyone else I hope, that the prevalence of jokes are a statistical tell about the true societal gauge of what is moral and immoral. Jokes are made about pedophilia (, jokes are made about bacon (, let me know if I'm wrong, but those seem separate from each other on the spectrum of "no-no's." Citing how comedians feel about something is not great in the way of proving a point about how the majority see that thing.
The fourth amendment, and Map v. Ohio; upholding civic duties are the end of the deal that civilians are to be responsible for, ceding tyrannous behavior that is disallowed by legislation is the government's. Obviously barring the fact that the Constitution seems to just be a long-standing joke to the government, or so it seems as of late. Also, to be clear I'm not defending the point of whom you responded, I'm just outlining the support for it.
Yo, developer guy, it would be nice if there was some curation involved; some, if not most, of these books are not free. Perhaps allow the community to also remove books that don't fit the guidelines or report them for just not being free? Otherwise, this is going in my bat-belt. Totally awesome idea.