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It was posted by the author on Twitter, so it was absolutely for the world:


The important part is that if you really set your contributions to 65% then you will max out your annual retirement contribution limits early on (front loading). So the rest of the year you will receive your full paycheck (- ESPP, which you'll also get back every quarter).

So the situation is not as dire as it appears.

I see. It is not clear from reading those top bullet points alone that you are not suggesting I follow the "save as much as possible" strategy the whole calendar year, but only until I reach the 401(k) limit. There is also a bullet point "only invest in tax-sheltered accounts", but I could also save money in a bank savings account, which I would consider a taxable non-"investment" account.

Yes, that's true. If you're wanting to buy a house that is a good reason to not put additional money in the Roth 401k. It still makes sense to do the Roth IRA, since you can withdraw your contributions early without penalty (subject to some rules).

It would be good to add something on mentoring. This isn't covered very well in new employee orientation. But it's hard to figure out what advice to give because it's so team and role specific. Maybe the advice should be to just find one.

It felt odd writing it. You are right, but when people do suddenly come into money (the initial cash signing bonus), they will sometimes do irrational things. Being able to step back from this emotional reaction will allow that money go much further.

Yeah I'm sure it's excellent advice, it's just strange to read as an onboarding guide as somebody not from that world.

> Also forgot to mention open a Fidelity BrokerageLink account for your 401k.

I thought about adding it, but BrokerageLink requires a minimum balance transfer. By then, I figure that people will find out about invclub if they want to pursue more custom strategies.

I also added the note about the fresh Windows 10 Enterprise install. Ultimately, it's a wash. The group policy will apply one way or another.

How many more groups are left to join? There's no easy to way as far as I can tell to get a sense of completion. The extension goes in reverse alphabetical order, but also loops around again.

You can join as many groups as you want. For example: https://df58.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/yahoogroups/leaderboar...

It's hard to say if it was worth the price. I purchased a lifetime subscription a while back at a discounted rate. I'm not sure if this a product that I would pay for monthly perpetually though.

Brain.fm does "work" in that it definitely has helped me focus, but I think one could craft a Spotify playlist manually with some effort in order to achieve a similar effect.

I think the key words here are "with some effort". Ultimately anything is potentially worth the price depending on the amount of effort a person is willing to dedicate to solving something vs having it "solved" for them.

What is a recommended VM size on Azure to use?

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