1. | | Microsoft set to open retail store (reuters.com) | |
1 point by empone on Oct 18, 2009 | past
2. | | Inspiring talk on programming by creator of CouchDB (infoq.com) | |
56 points by empone on June 30, 2009 | past | 4 comments
3. | | Top Domains posted on Hacker News (searchyc.com) | |
28 points by empone on June 30, 2009 | past | 12 comments
4. | | 100 Lectures by Scientists (bestcollegesonline.com) | |
27 points by empone on June 27, 2009 | past
5. | | PyPy: JIT progress, 50% faster baseline than CPython (morepypy.blogspot.com) | |
35 points by empone on June 24, 2009 | past | 4 comments
6. | | MySpace’s Tom Gets $500k Per Year to Stop Coming to Work (mashable.com) | |
39 points by empone on June 23, 2009 | past | 14 comments
7. | | Yahoo Will Never Recover (247wallst.com) | |
19 points by empone on June 23, 2009 | past | 16 comments
8. | | Tower Defense Framework (simpsus.de) | |
50 points by empone on June 23, 2009 | past | 10 comments
9. | | Someday we will all program in Python (davidbau.com) | |
53 points by empone on June 22, 2009 | past | 77 comments

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