Yep. True story: that's how I ran my hotel reservation network in China about ... oh ... 8 years ago now. E1 link (30 simultaneous lines) plus a Sangoma interface card, Asterisk, IAXmodem and a lot of configuration, custom web-based call center operator distributed web interface. Faxes would come in to a human workqueue based on caller ID (we could tell which partner hotel were sending them). We'd store them as PDFs, ask someone to pick a page and place to 'stamp' (hah!) them to signal agreement or receipt, then automagically digitally fax them back. Presto: paperless office! Usually 3-5 people, we scaled to about ~3500 partner hotels (at the time, the same network size as the 2x leading competition, both Nasdaq listed) by being more efficient. I'm seriously considering re-launching this now, if anyone's got a fat China-scale marketing budget lying around.