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yeah -- that's definitely true. I would have silently swept the project under the rug/archive.org if things hadn't worked out, but we've really started to connect, especially about our respective geekitude-- so I'm pretty confident that she'll think this sweet and not weird.

Nah, I don't think it's creepy at all.

I once received a love-letter in obfuscated perl. I married the sender. Good luck :-)

That is absolutely amazing. Any chance that you might share, or was it (unsurprisingly) very personal?

Well, it is personal, it is also seriously obfuscated - it started off something like

and of course that was part of the fun - since I had received it in paper form, I had to type it all in to figure out what it said (no I couldn't parse it by sight), which heightened the effect.

Anyway, point is - once a geek always a geek, and the right person for you is somebody who appreciates it, not runs away from it.

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