I've been following Ansible from the start, Michael has always seemed like an excellent lead for the project - he's had a strong opinion and vision for the project - Ansible has turned out really well as a result.
More recently, Ansible Inc's faceless approach to marketing has me a little frustrated, but this isn't the time for complaining.
Thanks for all your hard work on Ansible Michael! I hope the team you've built can continue to pursue your vision for the project, and best of luck wherever you end up next!
I think the project is going to keep kicking very nicely. James is really good, and the v2 refactoring we are doing now should add in some nice language features I've wanted for a long time like try/except blocks and reporting on what lines in a file an error came from, etc!
Thanks for birthing this project, it's very appreciated! You've done man kind well with getting this project rolling. Best of wishes moving forward!
More recently, Ansible Inc's faceless approach to marketing has me a little frustrated, but this isn't the time for complaining.
Thanks for all your hard work on Ansible Michael! I hope the team you've built can continue to pursue your vision for the project, and best of luck wherever you end up next!