Global = can view all network traffic.
Partial = can view some portion of network traffic, but not all.
Active = willing/able to modify data as it transits the network.
Passive = unable/unwilling to modify data as it transits the network.
The gold standard here would be breaking a specific user's anonymity without modifying the data, i.e. a passive attack by a partial adversary. The smaller the percentage of overall traffic that the system needs to observe, the better.
Global = can view all network traffic. Partial = can view some portion of network traffic, but not all.
Active = willing/able to modify data as it transits the network. Passive = unable/unwilling to modify data as it transits the network.
The gold standard here would be breaking a specific user's anonymity without modifying the data, i.e. a passive attack by a partial adversary. The smaller the percentage of overall traffic that the system needs to observe, the better.