Can anyone explain to me how they're worth $3 billion dollars? They haven't produced anything, they haven't advanced humanity, they have the eyeballs of teens - for the moment, until something cooler comes along. Are they really that valuable? It doesn't seem like there's any show stoppers for creating a snapchat clone (rather than having X users at the moment), and if snapchat were to start making money - say by sending ads to endorse a product rather than a user generated picture, people would probably start leaving the platform towards the newest green pasture.
I recently got a new phone, and I got hooked in to all the services my friends were talking about in recent memory - instagram's dead, twitter's dead, snap chat is in flux. Not for all users, but in my group of friends these services aren't used as much. There isn't really anything keeping you from moving onto something new - your digital life isn't really that valuable. It's probably better to not read the conversations you had a year ago. The pictures are always nice, that's probably the only thing that people would care about, but with Snapchat they're gone (unless you hit save). I'm not sure what I'm getting at, but this company isn't worth $3 billion dollars.
Interestingly, instagram has taken on a new life for preteens who can't convince their parents to allow a chat app. The kids are using the posting function as a pseudo-chat feature.
I recently got a new phone, and I got hooked in to all the services my friends were talking about in recent memory - instagram's dead, twitter's dead, snap chat is in flux. Not for all users, but in my group of friends these services aren't used as much. There isn't really anything keeping you from moving onto something new - your digital life isn't really that valuable. It's probably better to not read the conversations you had a year ago. The pictures are always nice, that's probably the only thing that people would care about, but with Snapchat they're gone (unless you hit save). I'm not sure what I'm getting at, but this company isn't worth $3 billion dollars.