While I don't think Engadget is that good anymore, this was still original reporting, and not too far below par for the course for this kind of story. (Compare with the Verge counterpart: http://www.theverge.com/2013/10/22/4865306/nokia-lumia-2520-...)
Or perhaps it could just be that we find anything made by microsoft mind-numbingly uninteresting. Just like anything made by SAP, IBM, Oracle, CA and other old-guard tech companies. Seriously, why are there e.g. no SAP employees on HN wondering whether HN is really that anti SAP?
Is "I don't find this article interesting" a good reason to flag? If it got to the front page, people must have found it interesting. It seems like flagging would mean "this article does not belong on HN". I think the announcement of new phones and tablets in new form factors with new apps and an upcoming software update from Nokia would be relevant, moreso than a slightly thinner iPad with the same internals and software as the already released iPhone 5s, which will undoubtedly be filling the front page later today.
Disclosure: I work for Microsoft and my wife works for Nokia. So ya, ouch.